Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W


New technologies have led to labor borders expanding, making geographical mobility a minimal detail. Today one can work from any cardinal point of the world without limitations, justa computer and an Internet connection is needed and everything is ready!

However there are certain traditions that remain, such as the deal face to face. Business meetings still occupy a corner in their work schedules, but less and less. The adventure of many professionals is to work remotely and electronically schedule occasional meetings with clients. Therefore, given this growing trend we want to share some tips for organizing a business trip to optimize costs and time.Business travel management can be a pain if someone is new to it or is organizing it all by himself, so hopefully these tips help.

Try to concentrate the maximum amount of meetings within the same period. Take your agenda and organize them by customers per area / locations.

Structure meetings for hours. It is important that no adjustments are necessary later and that you have long periods in mind for the meetings in order to avoid unforeseen possible delays. The ideal is to have 1 to 1.5 hours between meetings. To maximize the workday, coordinate breakfasts, lunches and dinners to fit the perfect schedule.

Program the trip ahead of time in order to find deals on airfare or train. The risk you run is that someone cancels the meeting at the last minute, so it is important to have a Plan B and flexibility to adapt to change.

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Organize meeting agendas to guide the topics to be discussed in each, as well as the documentation and / or reports required.

When choosing your accommodation, try to choose one whose location is practical and close to your customers. Also, that has amenities like free WiFi, laundry services as well as recreational spaces such as SPA, gym, etc. to enjoy a relaxing time when you can.

Your luggage should be lightweight and practical. Choose your work clothes and everything you need only.

Plan ahead for transfers between meetings to save time. Choose the best mode of transportation to get to each site: Between train, metro and taxi and see the rates and conditions for each.

You are now ready to succeed wherever you go! Plan your business trip ahead of time with these tips and make sure to appear confident and in control at any time.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at