Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W
When you run a company, you know it will only be as successful as your employees are. This means you need to do everything you can to make sure that your employees have all the tools they need in order to succeed. Here are some suggestions on how to have employees that will help your company grow. If you follow the suggestions your employees are destined to be successful.
Support Your Employees
The more loyalty your employees show your company, the sooner it will run like a well- oiled machine. Make them want to be loyal to you by supporting them in their efforts. If you run a retail business or any business that involves face-to-face interaction with customers back up your employees when a customer is rude to them. So many companies make the mistake of siding with the customers over their employees, regardless of the circumstances. If you run your company this way, no one will want to work for you for very long. Do not let customers treat your employees like they are less than human. High quality employees come from high quality bosses.
Another way you can support your employees is to let them know right away if they are doing something that is causing a disturbance in your business. For example, if you run a convenience store and your check out clerks repeatedly make mistakes on the register, make them aware of the problem and help them correct it. There is nothing worse than an employee blindsided by a firing or write up that they didn’t see coming. Always communicate with your employees before problems can get out of hand.
General Liability Insurance
When you started your company, hopefully you took on general liability insurance. If you didn’t, it is something you should look into. This type of insurance protects you and your employees in the event that someone gets hurt or has property damage as a result of your company’s actions, products or services. A company that doesn’t have this type of insurance is leaving themselves and their employees vulnerable. Vulnerable employees will not be happy employees and therefore, will not be successful employees.
Train Them Properly
Nothing is more stressful for a new employee than being thrown to the wolves without being fully trained on the job, or even trained at all. Before leaving new employees on their own, make sure they thoroughly understand every aspect of their job, especially if they have never held a similar job before. The more confident your employees are, the more successful they will be. Give them the knowledge they need to be able to do their job well.
Offer Incentives
Offering incentives to your employees is a good way to keep them happy. If they consistently exceed the goals you set for them, reward them with a gift card to your company, extra time off or some other similar incentive. This will motivate them to be as successful as possible.
Successful employees aren’t born; they are made. So turn your employees into the best they can possibly be.
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