Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W
If you own an Android phone and you want to discover 5 of the most important apps that should be in every Android phone, you’ll enjoy this helpful quick guide. We’ve reviewed a wide range of apps, looking for fun and functional choices that are guaranteed to add significant value to your Android user experience.
Of course, there are hundreds of thousands of apps out there, ready to be downloaded and enjoyed. However, all apps are certainly not created equal. In order to find what’s best, you need to select apps that get five-star reviews from real-life Android smart phone users.
Here are some recommendations to consider…
Our Picks…..
5.) AppGarden Lite
This free application doesn’t have the most cutting-edge design around. However, it’s still well worth downloading. When you access App Garden Lite today, you’ll receive a multifunctional, virtual “container” that is filled with a variety of practical utilities. For example, you’ll be able to bookmark preferred utilities in order to use them quickly, while also enjoying a convenient stop watch, tip calculator, currency conversion calculator and calorie counter calculator.
4.) Beautiful Widgets
This application will allow you to customize your Android phone’s screen by adding a range of features, such as weather reports, clocks and battery status checkers. Simple but highly useful, this popular app puts the enhanced personalization that you need right at your fingertips. Available for just $2.89, this application offers great value for the price that you will pay.
3.) History Eraser Pro
If you want your phone’s history to remain private, it’s wise to seek out an application that gets rid of your old data in just a few simple steps. When you download the free History Eraser Pro application, you may remove all sorts of “junk”, including text messages, browser history information and cached files. Keep your phone clean and up-to-date by using this handy app on a regular basis.
2.) Speed Test
If you’re having trouble downloading files because your smart phone is so slow, using the free Speed Test application will allow you to isolate whether or not your network is at fault. By testing network connectivity in mere seconds, this sensible app will allow you to prove to your carrier that the issue lies with them, rather than you. So, why not try Speed Test today?
1.) Swype Beta
This awesome keyboard app will make it so much easier to type on your phone. When you download this free application, you’ll gain access to a smart keyboard that allows you to swipe your finger across just a few letters and still make complete words. Newly upgraded, the latest version of Swype Beta is better than ever, because it includes voice recognition features.
Now that you know the hottest free and low-cost apps for Android, you’ll be ready to enjoy the ultimate user experience, without busting your budget. Since these versatile apps add functionality and customization to any Android smart phone, they are the five best choices for you. Whether you want faster typing speed, more personalization or the ability to text connectivity in no time flat, you will love what the latest applications have to offer.
Author Bio:
Dennis is a tech enthusiast. He is working for a web hosting company (Web24) that offers web hosting, VPS, dedicated server hosting, and SSL certificate services in Australia.
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