Last Updated on Apr 7, 2020 by James W
Companies today are looking to maximize on their business as well as portray a high standard based on the same criteria. There are thousands of companies such as, that are looking into digital marketing which only means competition keeps getting stiff!
Picture a Grand Prix race and the winner takes all. Business today is full of competition, where if one company loses the market, another is gaining that lost market already.
The appropriate marketing strategies will probably light up an idea that your business may require before the year comes to an end.
In this article, we look at the top email marketing strategies that you could use in your business in 2017:
- More Email Users
With the increase of online businesses, people now have to create accounts prior to purchasing and even delivery of required products. You know what this means? More email usage! The number is certainly expected to rise significantly compared to 2016.
- Increased Subscriptions
Many readers today use the internet for reading bulk information through blogs and article websites. The best possible way to keep with updated content that may sparkle an interest is simply through subscription. Any company should keep this in mind for more customer access.
- More options on Email Sending Services
When companies thrive and try to reach out as to expand their potential, more business opportunities are created and those who benefit directly from this are email sending services. They operate with marketing systems that generate traffic. Well, they have certainly increased since 2016 and now they will be competing even more in 2017.
- Reduced Prices on Email Sending Services
In a bid to try to win over other brand companies, the prices these companies offer will certainly have to be altered whenever necessary just so as to always attract more.
- Contextual Emails
The marketing industry is like a crowded room where everybody is either trying to breathe or shout. How will companies ensure that they still get a consumer’s attention? The best way would be through contextual texting which has been useful among many strategies that were also applied to email marketing best practices for 2016. This will allow a company to set their tone higher through sending the necessary email required by various subscribers.
- Brief Emails
Nobody enjoys reading long texts especially during a busy day and this is why subscribers should expect well descriptive but short emails that are straight to the point.
- Targeted Mobile Devices
It’s not a shock that almost everybody not only owns a mobile phone but is simply hooked to it for the precious dime it is. They simply contain everything you may need be it a flashlight or a calendar. This is why companies should be looking to target mobile emails, which is just like a call away from the subscribers.
- Subject Lines
If you’ve ever received an email before, it’s only honest to admit that the first thing to site. This will give companies the idea to always have captivating subject lines as part of an email marketing strategy in 2017. Subject lines are no doubt the core benchmarks of emails.
- Responsive Emails
Have you ever opened an email that is probably mobile friendly? It can really get on someone’s nerve to keep zooming in and out of texts just to read the email. In fact, it is easier to ignore the email instead. This is why emails sent in 2017 are expected to have a responsive template so that it perfectly fits onto any device without making the subscriber uncomfortable.
Last but not the least; it is only wise to consider digital marketing which has proven to be a vital procedure that will definitely create the right atmosphere for your business.