Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W


A business can never be a static thing. It must grow or wither. If you sit back in business, you can bet there are usurpers waiting to make the most of what you have achieved. Your business must grow. In order for that to happen, you have to keep renewing and feeding it.

You must nourish your business, not just with ideas but with new content and up to date technology. A successful business is always one that is looking to do what is does better, faster, more efficiently and above all, more originally. How can you keep on top of this process?

Keep creating.

Encourage yourself to keep the think tank open. That means you need to validate the process of being creative. Try new ways of doing things. Think of new ways to approach your existing customers and try and come up with strategies that are surprising and refreshing. Above all give credence to creative strategy. Value the individuals in your organisation who are skilled in these areas. Take your best product or service and try and think how it could be improved. Are there any ways that you could add more value? What else could you offer that would complement the service you are already offering?

Add content.

The more original content that you can add to your website and to those that link to it, the better. The world and specifically the web is full of content, but only a proportion of that has any real value. If you want your business to grow, you must provide the web with relevant and original words and images. This links closely to the SEO strategy that any growing business should be adopting. Smart business is already working with companies such as Minyona, who can offer you detailed advice and help on these strategies. They are becoming increasingly essential for a thriving business.

Listen to feedback

It is one thing to think that you have a great idea. It is another to find that it works! Business survives and thrives on feedback, and you should be keeping your ear to the ground. The worst thing you can do is to move off into the world of wishful thinking and make believe. Ask for feedback. Make sure there is a facility for this built into your website. Connect with customers who take the time to help you. Reward them.

Devise new ways of finding out how people use your product. Testimonials work well if they are handled properly. They can encourage new customers to trust you. There is little value in bland statements tied to initials. However if you can connect with real people who have had problems solved, then that can be a real boost to the credibility of your business.

Look at your business as a whole. From your logo to your website and your approach to outside sales. The way people are buying online is changing all the time. Ensure that your website, in particular, is state of the art. That means your pages can be viewed easily on different devices from computer screens to tablets and mobile phones.

If you can build trust, value and quality into your business, you will be actively building a business that will thrive and prosper.

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