Last Updated on Apr 17, 2020 by James W
There are many reasons for wage garnishments. It could be the payment of some back taxes, child support or some other legal expenditure that you have not been able to complete. Wage garnishments can really hurt your finances, not just immediately but for the long-term.
Wage garnishments can put a stop on your lifestyle even choke the budget for basic necessities. As a citizen of the United States, you do have the right to dispute any such action through legal means. A wage garnish lawyer can help you negotiate the currents of this unwanted scenario. Debt settlements and negotiations are some of the ways you can stop or reduce your wage garnishment.
Stay Informed
You probably have received the bad news – a notification that your wages will be subject to a certain deduction. Remember that a garnishment can only happen if you have a lawsuit against you by the lender.
It is always good to be informed if you are getting your wages trimmed. If you are paying your union payments and all your taxes, then creditors cannot garnish more than 25% of your earnings. Child support and IRS can, however, deduct up to 50% of your earnings. Wage garnishments can only be deducted if there is a valid court order. The exact maximum amount that can be deducted however depends on the particular laws of your state.
If you have not been notified and there are deductions being made from your salary, then you need to get in touch with a lawyer immediately. There are times when wage garnishments can happen without the proper notifications and procedures. These are grounds good enough to stall the garnishment, and your carefully legal representative can offer you a way out.
How to Protect Yourself?
You have the right to challenge a wage garnishment. For this, you will need to file your case in a court. Choose an attorney who has a background in debt. If you can build a strong case that your current finances cannot take the brunt of a garnishment, it can be taken off your shoulder.
It is imperative that you find an expert you can represent you the best possible way. Choose law firms with a strong record and a specialization in wage garnishment cases. The situation you face may seem unique but thousands across the country are facing the same. A wage garnishment attorney who handles these cases on a daily basis will be able to identify technicalities and loopholes that you would not have a clue about.
Methods to Stop Wage Garnishment
Bankruptcy is one way in which you can stay a wage garnishment order. It is one of the main reasons why a lot of people file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy buys you crucial time to get your life and your finances back in order so that you are in a stronger position to negotiate the challenges put before you. However, not all debt payments can be avoided via a bankruptcy filing. Therefore you need to get the full details from an expert lawyer.
Finding the Experts
There are many wage garnishment legal experts you can reach out to. The best firms also provide the best services, such as an online evaluation. This will help you save a lot of time and you do not even have to pay for it. Your information will also remain confidential and you can go for your no-obligation consultation with optimism.
When you choose a law firm, make sure that all of the certifications are in place. Wage garnishment law firms need to be part of the respective state bar and the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys. The best law firms enjoy a high rating by the Better Business Bureau, a nationally recognized accrediting body.
A law degree is a powerful tool to represent victims of an unjust situation. Deductions on your paycheck are a nightmare to contend with, especially now, when living costs are exploding upwards. Find a wage garnishment lawyer to give yourself a chance of living a financially stable life.
Always Choose the Legal Way Out
Apart from wage garnishments, there are other financial troubles that can befall you. Home foreclosures and vehicle repossession can cripple you in many ways. Thankfully, with the right legal representation, you can avoid these scenarios and give yourself a good chance to turn your finances around. Tax debt, medical debt and credit card debt are also very serious scenarios and should not be allowed to get out of hand. Find lawyers who can protect you from the grave consequences and put you on the right track. The sooner you make this decision, the better.