Last Updated on Mar 11, 2020 by James W


It can be a familiar sight to most cafe and restaurant owners: watching as potential customers pass by the window in favour of a well-known chain pub across the road. So what is it that attracts people to a startup catering business and keeps them coming back? Keeping up with the competition can be difficult but it’s not impossible to win the favour of your public, so long as you engage with them in a creative and dedicated way. Consult the following tips on how your small catering business can make a big impact.

Blog your way to the top

Creating an engaging and often humorous blog can be the best decision you will ever make for your business. A regular blogging platform allows you to connect with your public in a friendly means besides sending spammy newsletters and intrusive flyers. A restaurant blog gives potential customers a chance to discover who you are as a business rather than what you are, and at their own pace too. Pique the interest of your clientele with witty article posts that answer frequent concerns or reveal fun facts about the kind of food you serve i.e. ‘The origins of the name Knickerbocker Glory’.

Stay true to your roots

The worst mistake a small restaurant or cafe business can do in their attempt to grow is to forget who they are entirely. Locals appreciate small independent businesses that have their own unique charm and identity and this is the reason so many will return, so ensure you don’t lose sight of yours by expanding the menu, changing the restaurant interior or moving to a larger, more central location.

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Be a savvy shopper

Getting ahead in the catering industry often requires a cutthroat attitude from time to time, especially where your supplies are concerned. Even if your cafe displays a butter-wouldn’t melt persona, there is no shame in being ruthless when it comes to running important aspects of business as you and only you can keep your livelihood afloat when customers are in short supply. Shop for discounts and offers on everything you buy in from the food and beverages you stock to the insurance and electricity services you pay for. Show your metal with food suppliers and insurance companies now and your business will benefit from a greater sense of control and this will ultimately lead to more affluent profits down the line.

Whether you run a restaurant or a modest ice cream parlour, providing your customers with unbeatable service should be your main focus in the catering industry and one of the best ways to uphold this is to ensure your catering equipment is up to scratch. The commercial catering specialists at Fridgeland house many quality appliances, ranging from freezers and food counters to attractive display units – perfect for any growing business in the catering trade, great and small.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at