Last Updated on Apr 3, 2020 by James W


The area of a business should be a place where every individual reporting feels protected. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Several unexpected events can happen within the work environment. Present-day news release stories of occurrences within neighbourhoods and homes which are terrible to even happen in one’s life. Firm leaders have the responsibility of being the forefront in preventing any unwanted, life-threatening, socially-, mentally-, and/or emotionally-damaging incidents. Observe the following steps to secure your workers’ safety.

  • Consider the possibility of it happening in your area.

The first step in any prevention is preparing for the probability that it could occur right outside the office, in your building canteen or on the operations floor during work hours. This will lead you address the concerns such as the presence of any security measures that are present in the area. How secure are these in preventing strangers from entering the premises? Are there safe areas in the building or nearby where employees can go when there’s a threat? Are the tools being used, especially ones for drug testing, approved and have gone through safety measure prior to using it? These are the ones that concern workplace areas that can somehow damage the business if not taken well enough.

  • Get professional advice on safety.

What’s better than brainstorming with your fellow corporate leaders on safety protocols? Have your office security evaluated by trained and experienced specialists especially that these individuals can provide professional advices on what and how to improve security measures.  Hire a consultant to ensure if any measures in place are proper, bring to the company’s attention any weak points, and recommend any necessary actions to be taken. Is using home drug kit tests effective? Where security cameras should be placed?

  • Designate proper passageways and emergency routes.
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Hallways and entrances should be kept clear from any obstacles so that people can navigate freely through them. Avoid stacking items such as boxes, especially large ones that could cause accidents or hinder employees from passing safely in case of an emergency. According to reports, there have been high numbers of casualties in factory fires overseas because emergency exits were blocked causing serious accidents.

  • Arrange for regular inspection of the office.

Don’t limit it to making sure that corridors and doorways are clear. You have to see to it that your workers are also on the brighter side of things; that they are safe to work around and that they are not a danger to anybody else. Assigning an annual drug testing check-up is always a good thing, even after the workers are being hired. This can protect you and your business from any workplace related problems such as theft and those that are already a danger to everyone around. Check if the office is organized in a way that provides workers unity, peace and ease in their working environment. Also, first aid kits must always be at hand and equipment must be checked regularly and replaced if damaged. Emergency equipments and office tools must always be in good quality. Poorly constructed electronics could possibly short circuit while causing other problems.

  • Safety is everyone’s business.

Take the time and effort to educate your employees so they comprehend the purpose of measures put in place. You also have to impose that you care for them, such as letting them understand what you think about your random drug testing procedures. Encourage one another to keep an eye out for any possible threat or danger. Practice fire drills, earthquake drills, first aid and other responsive measures in the case of an emergency. Make sure they’re informed of who to approach when danger is present such as a floor marshal or when they have a safety concern. Workers should be empowered to be taking a proactive attitude when it comes to security and safety. The more eyes out for signs of danger, the more people concerned about these issues, the more we can keep each other out of harm’s way.

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