Last Updated on Mar 13, 2020 by James W


Have you ever count the time you spend on an average day on social networking? Would you like to know the answer? If I were you, I woudn’t. Just because we tell to ourselves that a break of 10 minutes on Facebook is the only thing we need when working, in fact going out would be such a better decision – studies have shown that 10 minutes in nature are ought to make your brain breath and work more efficiently when going back to your stuff. In this case, here are some great reasons why closing your Facebook account now would help you be more prolific – and trust me, they are worth it!


Facebook equals Use of Time

For such a long time, Facebook is nowadays, at a deeper view, a use of time. Getting back to the first lines, just make an experiment one day and count the time spent on this social network – and trust me, the result will just blow your mind.


Facebook Makes Use of your Creativity

Do you enjoy posting things online, share to others and wait for their likes? Have you ever post something up just for the sake of the appreciation of others? Well, I know I did, and also that I am not the only one. Whether we like it or not, Facebook really makes use of our creativity through all the posts we make and on which we invest time, creativity and patience. And all for what, a like? If you wish to make use of your creativity on money, start up a blog. Before you know, you’d become famous and be rewarded on money.

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Need to Deal With People (And What People…)

As any other social networks, Facebook drives you into doing the same mistake over and over again – it makes you deal with useless people, with whom you have nothing in common but they are there and when they write to you, you can’t say no because you would ruin the image you have built about yourself to others!


Communication Skills? All virtual

Even though Facebook has a million of advantages, there are hundreds of disadvatanges that you should consider. When was the last time you had a date in comparison to your last… virtual date? C’mon, dress up, get out and have a chat in the real life, not online. You can leave those to the older times, when you might not be able to go out – just stay inside your home.


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at