Last Updated on Mar 11, 2020 by James W


The most advanced method in online marketing that is used to drive traffic to a website is Search Engine Optimization (popularly called SEO). This method is developed years before, when only selected few people have been using it to rank the sites and help Google better index the lower amount of websites that existed.

As time flew, people started creating websites more and more often than ever before and they all had need to rank higher in Google. Higher position in search engine was the key to targeted traffic and more profit from month to month. Most of these people who started creating websites on Internet had no idea how to actually move higher in search engines so they were forced to either start learning the process of search engine optimization or hire a person who would do a job for them.

As process of learning SEO was taking too long (it can take up to two years to become an expert) with constant Google algorithm changes, almost no business owners decided to take things in their own hands. That’s why the biggest online businesses have people called ”SEO experts” who deal with the tasks such as ”On-site optimization” and ”Off Site Optimization” and have goals to move the website higher in search engine.

Soon enough, SEO became a profession for lot of people who saw the opportunity to earn money working for huge businesses. That’s how this became one of the most profitable jobs on the Internet.

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SEO and Content Marketing

As more people got involved in the business, there was a rising number of self proclaiming ”SEO experts” who were mostly dealing with shady techniques and manipulating the search engines such as Google in order to rank  better and faster.

To this day, Google and others are still battling to beat people who are trying to manipulate the system and scam people in believing that it is possible to rank a website in Google in a short time. So be aware of people who offer something to good to be truth. Because usually it’s not that good as they are saying.

Many people got scared of being scammed and believe that they don’t need to use SEO in order to grow their business. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. There are real SEO experts out there and these are few tips you need to know if you want to find a good one:

Always look for those with reviews– If he/she had previous jobs, that needs to mean something.

Contact previous employers– He will tell you directly how the person you want to hire performed.

Ask for paid test project- Never assign a huge job to someone you don’t know. Let them show you how they are going to do it first with a small test project.

That will be all folks.

See you soon again!


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at