Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W


Nowadays, having more proprieties at once and preferably in different parts of the world is something we all crave for, yet little of us have the opportunity and the financial resources to make such a thing happen. Believe it or not, renting an apartment or a house to a foreigner in a different state comes with both a great income to your monthly salary, but also with some great responsibilities to handle, at the same time. Still, when talking about the Asian side, things seem to get out of the normal – these being said, in case you are looking forward to knowing more concerning the subject, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines to see why is it impossible to buy a shelter in China nowadays!


Beijing Takes it All

Due to the fact that the government started to rise the prices of the apartments, people within Beijing started to move out because they simply cannot afford to keep such a high standard of life with is, in comparison to their salaries, impossible to maintain. Well, with people investing more and more into houses for the foreigners to come and pay for them, even they seem to perceive China housing as being one of the most expensive on Earth. And there is no wonder why – nowadays, with as much as $500,000, you can not do too much to get something that back in the US would make you see your investment as paying off.

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If you Need to Ask, you Definitely Can Not Afford It

In a country as crowded as China, it would be amazing if it were not to ask for the price of an apartment. We say this to you as a sign of expectance, due to the fact that you might not like the reply to your question – you might not like it, at all! Thus, bear in mind that whenever you wish to make such a purchase back in China, it is imperative for you to be fully loaded with money and time, for the money will be send throughout some more time than expected – until you get the exact price.


Going Up For Foreigners

Since this country is based on foreigners’ money, there is no wonder why they are raising their prices – for the sake of increasing their goals and expectations.


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