Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W


Print advertising has retained much of its usefulness in the digital age, and the truth is that there are many things that print media can do that digital media cannot. Due to some very specific uses that print media can meet, print is expected to remain a vital part of any marketing campaign for the foreseeable future. To understand how print has remained viable in spite of the continued development of digital platforms, you have to consider the unique benefits of print. Once you have a firm grasp on the limitations of digital advertising, the importance of print will become very clear.

Digital Media is Limited

While smartphones and tablets have made the Internet more accessible than ever before, the fact is that people aren’t always on them. When they drive, walk from place to place, or browse around a store, people are more engaged with physical things that are in front of their faces. The same rings true for when people are sitting in stores or restaurants waiting to be served. While many people can simply look on their smartphone or tablet while they wait, the vast majority of people still reach for magazines or brochures near them.

When you place your advertisements in areas that see high amounts of traffic, you are guaranteeing that a high percent of those people will see your ad. This is a smart way to make use of pre-existing physical traffic. The reason this is better than Internet traffic is that you know for a fact that people will be walking past your ad. With Internet traffic, you have to take steps to push people toward your ad by using SEO techniques and other methods. This requires a lot of work without any real guarantee of exposure.

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Also, SEO web content that people use to drive traffic to their online ads is constantly being outdone. New search algorithms require web content producers to constantly change their techniques. As those algorithms change, your once-valued content will now fail to show up the way you want it to. This means that you’ll have to spend more money on having the content optimised, which eats into your budget. Print media, on the other hand, does not require this constant change to stay relevant. It sits in the areas you place it and provides you with constant, even-handed value for quite a long time.

Take a Holistic Approach

While print media isn’t going anywhere soon, the truth is that you can’t just rely on print media to sell yourself. Ignoring the constant innovations coming from digital media platforms is a sure way to let your business fall behind your competition. However, you still need to take the time to work on your print presence to ensure that you are well represented with print advertising. The long-term, continuous value that this advertising can provide your company with is unbelievable. In the end, it could be one of the most cost-effective long-term advertising investments you can make.

Author Bio:

Jennifer Bailey is a Marketing Consultant from Perth, Australia. She says that although digital advertising is bigger than ever, print advertising will always have a big place in the market. Jennifer recommends LDN for the best services in letterbox distribution Perth has to offer.


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