Last Updated on Apr 3, 2020 by James W

Does your ecommerce site have a blog you update regularly? If not, you could be missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. A blog can have a huge impact on customer awareness, audience engagement, and website traffic — and it’s one of the least expensive ways to generate new leads and get people interested in your products.

So why does your ecommerce site need a blog?

A Blog Creates Customer Engagement

One of the best ways to instill confidence in your customers is to be seen as an authority in your field. A blog gives you a chance to enter into a conversation with both potential and existing customers. You can talk about issues related to your business, address problems and concerns, or just talk about what sets your company apart from the rest. If you choose to maintain a comments section, so much the better — having a social media presence is great, but not everyone loves Facebook or Twitter. A worthy topic can inspire worthwhile conversation and built a sense of community with customers.

A Blog Drives Sales

Once you have a reader’s attention, it becomes that much easier to get them interested in what your ecommerce website is selling. Obviously, not every blog post should be an outright sales pitch — in fact, few blog posts should push sales. If you focus instead on creating compelling, shareable content, you may attract more customers by offering that free e-book download or mailing list sign-up form. This is a double win for the reader: some interesting content, with the promise of more free content afterward. The end of a blog post is a great place to add a call-to-action button!

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Search Engine Optimization

It’s no secret by now that a blog is a great way to boost your rankings. More content means more internal links, more content for search engines to index, and more chances to show up in search rankings. A blog is also a great way to keep a site regularly updated — another factor search engines take into consideration. Guest posts can further boost rankings by encouraging external linking and getting third parties interested in promoting their blog posts on your site.

Voice and Awareness

We’ve already talked a little about how blogging can help you build authority and trust with customers, and how you can have a conversation with an audience through blogging. But a blog is also an opportunity to develop a voice as a company. Many customers, especially in younger demographics, don’t want to do business with a faceless corporate entity. People connect best with people, and a blog is an easy and low-risk way to add a personal touch to your company marketing.

Inexpensive Marketing

Social media has become a vital part of any company’s marketing plan, and that Facebook page and Twitter account will continue to be valuable — but an “evergreen” blog post that solves a long-standing problem, or an infographic that’s still getting shares years into the future? That’s an inexpensive marketing resource that’s easy to produce and can provide sales and traffic for years.

In short, a blog is your chance to let customers know who you are and who they’re buying from. This will not only build a relationship of trust, it will also set you apart from your competitors and drive traffic and sales to your business well into the future.

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Author Bio:

Kyle Kam is a marketing consultant for different businesses online. He dreams of having his own startup and wants to contribute something positive to the world someday. Whenever he’s not working, he finds himself watching sneaker cleaning tutorials all day. Follow him on Twitter @undisputedkyle


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