Last Updated on Apr 20, 2022 by James W

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer linked to asbestos exposure. A diagnosis with this dangerous illness is overwhelming and scary because it is fatal and difficult to treat. It is unfortunate that companies knowingly expose their employees to asbestos, putting them at risk of this disease.

If you worked for a company that exposed you to asbestos and are now diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have legal grounds to file a lawsuit against them with the help of a lawyer. However, you cannot choose a regular lawyer for your mesothelioma compensation claim. You need a lawyer with licensing to operate in different states.

The laws and regulations around mesothelioma differ with states, and you might be required to file cases in other states depending on where you were exposed. Below are essential factors to consider when choosing a mesothelioma lawyer.

What Are the Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mesothelioma Lawyer?

Ability to Trace Your Exposure

Mesothelioma takes time to develop. The symptoms may show twenty to twenty-five years after exposure. With that, you need to work with a lawyer who will look at your work history and determine exactly when you were exposed.

If you worked in different states and companies at some point, they should revisit all the details and determine which company is responsible for your illness.

Understanding of the Medical Side of Mesothelioma

For a lawyer to successfully handle your claim, they should have an understanding of the diseases. You see, a lawyer can’t determine how you got the disease if they do not understand its causes, possible ways of exposure, and what it means for your health.

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A lawyer who understands what lies ahead will value the claim regarding the damages your family will suffer in your absence.

Cost and Payment Terms

Many people shy from hiring lawyers for their claims because they cannot afford them. However, mesothelioma claims are handled on a contingency basis; therefore, you do not have to pay anything upfront. In contingency, the lawyer gets a percentage of your compensation. This means, no win, no pay for them.

To note, make sure to discuss what percentage of the claim your lawyer expects if they win the case. The agreed rate should be written and signed to avoid complications and surprises in the future.


The worst mistake you can make when hiring a mesothelioma lawyer is not asking about their experience. During the first consultation, seek to know how many years of experience they have in handling mesothelioma cases, how many claims they have handled so far, and the number of wins.

While cases are different and you cannot expect settlements like previous customers, understanding their track record manages your expectations. On the same note, beware of lawyers who promise to get you exact figures as compensation.

Mesothelioma claims are complicated, and the lawyer has no control over the outcome.


Mesothelioma claims are very engaging and require a lot of information from the past. Therefore, you should hire a lawyer with whom you are comfortable sharing your past life. It should be easy to talk to your lawyer; otherwise, the process will be stressful.

Do not rush the process of choosing a lawyer until you find one who matches your communication skills. The first consultation call or meeting should tell you if you can communicate with the lawyer for long.

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Settle for the Right Lawyer

Choosing a mesothelioma lawyer can be a daunting task, considering that you are still battling the disease. However, the five tips above should help you find a lawyer who understands what you are going through and gives their all to give you and your family the compensation you deserve.


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