Last Updated on Mar 5, 2020 by James W

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The office! It is the place most of us spend most of our time. Depending on your job this might be great or sad news, in most cases it is something in the middle. There is no way to deny it; we usually spend more time at our desk than in the sofa at home or in bed. However, in many cases all we care about is our home, how we decorate it and how we save energy. Saving energy at home is, of course, a good thing but we shouldn’t forget about the place where we spend most of our time: the workplace.

Improve your workplace – save energy

Without denial it is the latest trend: all companies are interested in saving energy today. We all feel the pressure to ‘go green’ and become more eco-friendly. When it comes to taking actions, motivation might vary from person to person, from business to business. Luckily there are many people out there who are keen on doing something for the environment. They care about our planet and about how their actions will affect nature.

However, let’s be realistic: the average person is not the typical defender of the environment. We all have our problems, struggles and bills to pay. Especially today, most of us are trying to get by and survive. This is true for so many individual persons but also for companies, but did you know that saving energy also means saving money? If you are not an eco-friendly person (or company) by nature, you might want to consider becoming one, or did you really believe that all companies go green because they care about the environment?

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Fortunately, you don’t even have to change your whole office or company to make a difference. If you are interested in special options for you business you can check out Commercial Gas from British Gas. Apart from that, you can put some simple tips into practice and, as a consequence, save energy (and a lot of money).

So let’s look at your office first. After all it is the place where we all spend most of our days. Consequently it is also the most promising place when it comes to putting energy saving measures into practice.

There are many different ways to save energy in your office. The most obvious ones are turning your heating (or air-condition) down, switching lights you don’t need off and thinking twice before printing a document. We all know about this, so let’s take it a step further and have a look at your electronic devices. This area tends to get neglected because we firmly believe that modern devices save energy automatically. This might be true but there is still a lot you can do.

Think about your stand-by mode

We all know that our devices still need a lot of energy when running at stand-by mode. So if we want to make a difference why not starting with the simplest most basic thing: turning all devices off when we leave our workplace. It might be tempting to rush off at the end of a long and hard day at work but you can make it a simple habit, switching your devices off won’t harm or delay you – but could potentially save you a lot of money.

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Your computer – the obvious thing

Out of all electronic devices in your office, your computer is by far the most important one, but did you know that it also is your most powerful weapon to save energy? Let’s look at the most obvious thing first – the one thing you are staring at for hours – your computer screen. Fortunately, we have come a long way. Today’s screens have improved tremendously. Not only do they harm our eyes less, they are also much more eco-friendly, but don’t see it as an excuse to be mindless: if you leave your desk for 15 minutes you should still switch your screen off.

Screen-savers might be a handy excuse, but unfortunately they don’t do their name any justice. The amount of energy the save is little to none. In some cases they are so shiny, modern and fancy that they even need more energy than a working screen. It might sound like an exaggeration but think about the amount of energy you could save during a one hour company meeting if all employees switched their screens off. After all, it’s always the small things that really matter.

You can find a wealth of further information about how to use less energy here.

by Bea


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at