Last Updated on Mar 11, 2020 by James W


Whether you’re looking to start a new business that’s environmentally friendly, or you’re just looking to make a lot of cash, getting involved in recycling could be the ideal solution to all your ambitions. You’ll be able to make a healthy profit and save the earth at the same time, which is obviously beneficial because unless more of us start thinking about conservation, the chances are that this planet may become uninhabitable within the next two hundred years. With this in mind, I’ve decided to release an article today highlighting the path you might like to take when getting involved.

For the most part, recycling is a much cleaner process than traditional rubbish collection, so there should be no lack of people applying to work at your new firm, especially at the moment when jobs are scarce. So, if you’re serious about starting a new company that could really make a difference to our ecosystem, read through the next few paragraphs, and I’ll do my best to fill you in on everything you need to know.

Purchasing Equipment & Renting Premises

Your first move should be to get hold of all the equipment you’re going to need and select a suitable depot. Depending on how large your ambitions are, you might need recycling trucks, compacting machines and fork lift trucks to move the plastics and cardboard around your premises quickly and safely. Once all this is obtained, you’ll be ready to move onto the next step.

Finding A Reliable Workforce

You’ll probably have to appeal to local councils in order for them to allow you to collect recycling in a given area, this means you’ll be given slots of time when your team should arrive to take the waste. Any failure to meet your committed time slot will be looked upon negatively, which is why you need a reliable workforce. Personally, I’d steer well clear of job centers because they’re just overrun these days. Instead, you’ll probably have more luck with small recruitment agencies. While this may cause you to pay inflated costs in the early stages, it should help you to sort the wheat from the chaff and find only the best workers, to whom you can then offer full time positions.

Read more
So You Want To Start Your Own Business? 3 Things To Do Beforehand!

Organizing Sales Of Recyclable Materials 

Now, you could obviously purchase your own recycling equipment and do all the work inhouse like companies such as Craddock Metal Recycling do, but this will probably create too much expense during the first few months of operation, and so it’s usually more sensible to contract this work out to specialists. Don’t worry though, they’re everywhere these days because of government tax incentives for green firms, so you should be able to find a local one with a reasonable price list by simply performing a Google search.

So, now you’ve learnt a little more about what getting involved in recycling would entail, I wonder if any of you will be making the leap this year and opt to start a business that could help to save the planet?

See you next time for more interesting how to’s!


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at