Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W

3 Businesses You Can Start Now with Low Investments

Looking to start your own business but you aren’t exactly flushed for cash? If you’re serious about becoming self-employed, there are plenty of low investment businesses you could start right now. Provided you are willing to put in the time and effort it takes to run a successful start-up business, you could soon ditch that 9 to 5 and gain the financial freedom you crave. If you’re looking for inspiration, below you’ll find 3 businesses you can start now with low investments.

  1. Interior decorator

Often confused with interior design, an interior decorator is a more hands-on profession. You’ll be responsible for painting, arranging furniture and having a good knowledge of how to make the most of interior space and fabrics. It’s a creative job that will require some training. You’ll also need some specialist equipment to help you achieve professional results.

One interior decorating job you could offer which requires a minimum investment is painting. All you’ll need to get started, along with some prior knowledge of painting a home, is a good quality spray gun. You can buy low-cost, professional quality guns from companies such as SGS.

  1. EBay seller

EBay has become one of the most successful platforms for start-up businesses. Setting up an EBay shop is one of the cheapest ways to start a sales business. You will need some money to get started as you’ll need stock and packaging materials. However, there are plenty of UK wholesalers you can buy from which sell products in bulk at low, affordable prices.

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Before starting an EBay shop, it helps to research what types of products are selling and what customers want. If you manage to become successful, you can then use the funds you’ve earned to set up a shop in a physical location.

  1. Teaching what you know

If you have specialist skills and knowledge, you could start a tutoring or teaching business. We’re not talking about an actual teaching in a school job here, that requires years of specialist training and qualifications. Instead, we’re talking about one-on-one training. Perhaps you’re a skilled piano player for example? Becoming a piano teacher would enable you to share your passion and your knowledge while earning a good income.

Other teaching ideas include wedding planning, teaching someone how to do their taxes or even knitting! Whatever your skills, it’s likely there are people out there willing to pay to learn exactly what you know.

As you can see, regardless of what skills you currently have, there’s a business you can set up right now that will require very little investment. You don’t have to break the bank to start a business today and funding is available that you might be entitled to.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at