Last Updated on Apr 8, 2020 by James W


Nowadays, automatic emails are effective means of attracting customers to a site. Moreover, they contribute to increasing of the order number. There are some tips that can help you in your business:

Segment your lists

It’s a mistake to send the same emails to all customers. The best decision for this problem is to segment the client base: priority, importance, prospects, specificity, etc.

The text of the letter should also refer to a particular person. It does not mean that you need to come up with your letter to each recipient and to explain how it can be useful.

Divide your subscribers into groups and send each group a letter with a specific title. For example, you can divide your customers by their location. In this case, you seem to have distinguished each of the clients (as well as your letter from the rest of the correspondence)

Respect your clients. They should not regret but should be glad that they have opened a letter and now they can use some service or get valuable information.

By the way, personal approach is also practiced in the text of the letter. A client will be pleased if you start a letter with “Good afternoon, Ann!” and not with a common “Hello.”

Personalization is worthy of spent time, when it`s possible!

Don’t use name in your subject line

There is no use in writing names in a subject line. The title is the first thing that recipients see. Sometimes it is the last, if they did not like the title of the letter and it has not caused a desire to see what is inside. That`s why, you should not point out your name as a main one. You should attract your clients. Because your business depends on them. Their problems, benefits, main tasks, etc. are “principal” for you. You have to show them your interest in it and the usage of your name (being in a subject line) will not cause it.

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Invent “catchy” phrases (according to your segmentation list), inform about an efficiency of your offer, but don`t be intrusive. You are just a provider of services and your role is not dominant in relationships with customers.That`s why, the usage of your name is not interesting for people, so, be careful with it.

Use “your” and company name

On having written a prominent title and addressed a person, you start your message. Here you can already write your and your company name but unobtrusively. It`s better to use your full name (first and last name) in the end of your letter in the “from whom” column. This should be done for providing a direct connection with you. For example, Vladimir Ivanov.

Use your name with the following name of your company. This should be used when a recipient may know your brand as well as remember your name. For example, Ann from BazaarEmail.

In cases when a recipient is more likely to connect directly with a brand, not with you personally, use only your company name.

Often, the “From whom” field is free in email signature and you can fill it at your discretion, sending a new letter each time.

Mention important (according to your segmentation)

What are all people looking for? For a benefit, of course. That`s why your main task is to tell why your product is valuable and important. Mention only important issues for every category according to your segmentation list. Remember: brevity is the soul of wit.

Email signature

Your email signature is very important aspect. Follow this piece of advice for avoiding errors:

  1. Limit your signature to three or four lines of text;
  2. Don`t put your email address in your email signature;
  3. Include an image (and don`t shy away from color).

There are a couple of email signature examples :

Email signature is a difficult process and its success depends on many factors. But these tips are likely to make your automatic emails more personal.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at