Last Updated on Apr 14, 2020 by James W
When running a business, there’s a lot you have to keep up with. Often that can mean some tasks can be waylaid to make sure you’re making ends meet at the end of each month. You’re so focused on making it work outside of the office, you’re not entirely focused on whether or not it’s working internally. But it’s this behavior that doesn’t do us any favors in the long run!
Not only will this help you in the long run, with keeping good workers and making the atmosphere of the workplace a lot lighter, but it also means you’re going to have an increase in efficiency and productivity. Both your and their potential can grow tenfold because of the foundations you lay down for good connections with each other. So if you’re the kind of business owner who thrives off of connections, as most do, it’s a good idea to start right at home. And that means you need to make an effort to get to know your employees. Here’s some tips to get you started.
Be Firm and Fair
When it comes to creating a good boss/employee relationship, the trust element needs to run both ways. Having job security is the thing that makes sure an employee does their best work for you, and you’re the only person who can create that kind of environment to thrive in. In order to craft this kind of environment, you’re going to have to be firm and fair, and thus the best boss you possibly can be.
Always allow an employee to come to you, whether for a personal matter or with an idea of their own to try out. They’re always going to need the go ahead from you when it comes to these kinds of things, so listen to what they have to say and then go from there. At the same time, make sure you don’t take extreme reactions to any information they give you, and try to work with them on it. Even a simple outburst at a broken computer can come across as targeted at them!
You have your companies best interests at heart, and the employees are part of the company, so taking care of anyone working under you. They are the heart of your operations after all!
Always Take Them into Account
Your employees get most of your work done, no matter how inconsequential the task may be. Of course you’re working with them, taking care of as much as you can as well as being the face of the company, but without them you wouldn’t be efficient at all! Business is rarely a one man business, and that means you’re always going to need to someone on your side to keep things running smoothly.
In return, make sure you don’t make any decisions without informing them, and try to take opinions over whether or not a change needs to happen. At the same time, know who your employees are and where they come from. Make sure you’re not putting in any practices that might offend a culture or religion they’re apart of, and you’ll get the same kind of respect back. Any decisions you try to make when you’re putting this working process in place will go a lot smoother, and often be unanimously agreed on. And when you’re making money, you need as few hiccups as possible.
Allow Them to Improve
Your employees all have skills and talents of their own, and when you can cultivate these you’re going to have some stellar work done as a result. If you were working in your business, and not in charge, you’d want the chance to improve your potential, wouldn’t you? Take that decision into account right now.
It’s easier than you think to train up your employees in the best way possible, and you can easily make connections with a few emails. Try to run a training drive whenever you can, allowing your employees to pursue their talents whenever you want to. Instill a schedule that runs quarterly once the first drive goes off without a hitch.
Information is king in the business world, so if you’re running a training session, make sure you immediately outline what you’re going to do for the day. Make sure everyone knows what they’re doing, and if they have any questions, answer them one by one. If your employees can note down and remember everything they learnt, you’re going to have less downtime during normal working hours because of idling members of staff.
Cut Down the Cost
Simply cutting down on the cost of hiring on employees can be quite easy to do. When you’ve got a good relationship with the workforce on your payroll, they’re going to make a lot of good money. Improved operations comes from an employee feeling valued by their employer, which means you now have a way to cut down on the cost of hiring anybody: simply treat them with some respect. You’ll have less sick pay to fork out for, and your benefits package will go to good use.
When you’ve cultivated the talents of the people already in your office, you can often give them extra responsibilities, and even a promotion. Handing out more work isn’t as malicious as it sounds, as it’s simply a time saving solution at the end of the day.
Similarly, when you’ve got something like Sling Labor Cost working on your side, you’re going to save some pennies in any calculation you make, and at the same time make sure your employees are getting properly paid for any work they put in. Make yourself more efficient and your employees feel more valued all in one fell swoop.
Recognise the Achievements of Your Workforce
When you can recognise people for the things they’ve done right, you’re going to be able to create an atmosphere of motivation in the workplace. Even age old programs like ‘Employee of the Month’ are good for making sure your people are on task and ready to face whatever hits your business that day.
Make sure you’re a boss who knows what your workforce is capable of, and give them every chance you can to show it. Allow them to lead meetings and host events, let them come up with marketing campaigns and tactics, and conduct research to better execute them. Allowing your team to flex their muscles follows on from all the training work you did with them, and also means they actually get the opportunities they need to impress!
If the people who work for you know you appreciate them, they’re going to come to work with smiles on their faces and even start looking forward to days in the office. Being the friend of anyone who works for you doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your position as a boss, and can even better set boundaries between you. People can more easily say no to tasks they cannot actually fulfil, and you won’t be asking too much of them, driving productivity into the ground.
Connecting with your employees is by no means impossible, and can be the easiest thing in the world when you remember these ‘rules.’ Making sure you treat your workers with all the respect they deserve can save you a lot of time and money, and find perfect opportunities to take your company higher and higher. Take a chance on the people who work for you; it could be the smartest business move you make.