Last Updated on Mar 5, 2020 by James W


Everybody knows a lot about something.  Thanks to a few decades’ of life experience, we have graduated with a degree in “Been There, Done That” that has made us something of an expert on a variety of topics.

It might be a yearlong job search with a successful ending.  It could be an illness that a loved one is battling.  Maybe it’s an all-consuming involvement in a fantasy sports league.

Whatever it is, we know what we’re talking about, and we’re willing to share that knowledge with others.  As a result, we end up blogging and freelancing about our life experiences, and in some cases it mushrooms into a cottage industry that brings a little color–specifically green–into our lives.

When that happens, many hometown Andy Rooneys get a little jacked up on themselves and try to morph their cottage industry into a warehouse endeavor.  And the clacking of a keyboard that once brought in pure profit is suddenly generating overhead that takes all the fun out of their little venture.

If this sounds like you, follow some basic tips on home-based business to keep the positive emoticons in your life.

Getting a Place

A clue to where this is going:  You probably already have the place.  The beauty of blogging, vlogging, and other means of sharing yourself is that they are largely accomplished with little more than a laptop and a reliable internet connection.

Even if the money is good, most bloggers don’t go so far as to go rent a storefront or top-floor office space, but they might be tempted to undertake costly, unnecessary renovations in their homes to accommodate their newfound notoriety.  While certain modifications might be necessary (such as a door to keep Rover from slobbering on your keyboard), you need to avoid the temptation to drop big bucks on work that doesn’t enhance your moneymaking ability.

Read more
How To Sell More On Your Blog By Harnessing The Power Of Storytelling

Furnishing the Place

You do need certain tools to get the work done, chief among them a place (besides your lap) for your computer.  A few weeks of running your little corporation from the dining room table will likely spur a negative response from your spouse, so you’re likely to need to splurge on a desk.

Shopping for computer desks doesn’t have to give you anxiety.  Despite all the fascinating features you can clamp onto a desk these days, you may find that your laptop and mobile devices create an ever-smaller need for a glamorous desk.  Today’s options–L-shaped, U-shaped, executive, etc.–have adapted to the changing demands of an office space.

Bringing In The Bucks

As you publish and post, you’ll find an increasing amount of your time going toward ad solicitation and management.  If you bear any hope of going full-time with the project, you’re wise to find guaranteed money that will pay some bills while you pursue your preferred content generation methods.

That might not sound very appealing to a budding e-novelist, but keep in mind that many successful writers throughout history have engaged in a variety of unrelated careers to subsidize the lifestyle they preferred.

Your life’s experiences can be great stuff for making money.  Just make sure you’re working more in black ink than in red.  If you can bear in mind some simple, logical strategies, you’ll do exactly that.


Guest Post by Becky


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at