Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W


WhatUsersDo pays real people to test websites at home and they are on the look out for more people to join their panel of website testers. 

Todays blog post focus is on the usability of luxury brand websites. Robert Jones, Panel Manager at WhatUsersDo talks briefly about some of the common user experience problems on luxury brand websites that have been found in user tests.

Here at WhatUsersDo, we really have seen it all – from contact forms not working, to broken links, lack of product photos & minimal descriptions on web stores. Then there is the extreme, the inability to cancel an order and broken shopping carts.
One industry that confuses us (probably) more than any other industry are luxury brand websites, which have some pretty bad user experience issues. This comes in the form of designer clothes websites, boutique hotel sites and a variety of other luxury product pages.
Here is a summary of some of the common usability problems, both from the blog post and evidenced from our own user tests:
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Luxury brand websites have been found to feature some odd terminology, which is great for the promotion of the luxurious product, but it can make it quite difficult or confusing to find what you are looking for.
Use of text as images
Luxury brand websites tend to feature a lot of images, great, but where is the text? If you are spending a lot of money on a product or service, descriptions are key. You can probably see what you are buying, but there is usually very little text on the page to support the product, descriptions tend to be quite short.
Page load time
This was found on a luxury hotel website, probably caused by the heavy use of images, other similar sites suffered the same problem.
Lots of flash
Visit a few leading luxury label websites and see this for yourself – there’s flash, flash and more flash. It looks great, but it’s a nightmare when you are using an iPad, iPhone or are on a slow connection.
Have you experienced the above issues? Why not help us make websites better by becoming a website tester. We are on a mission to change the web, join us now and get paid to test websites at home – all you need is java and a microphone.
Author Bio:

Robert Jones, Panel Manager, WhatUsersDo.  Find me on Twitter .

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