Last Updated on Feb 23, 2024 by James W

When you are running a trucking firm, you have to ensure that driver safety is a top priority. Your drivers will be driving long routes, and they will be experiencing a wide variety of situations and scenarios that they will have to deal with while they are on the road. When you focus on making driver safety a priority in your trucking company, you can start building a positive relationship with your workers/employees. These employees will help build your business, so focus on building strong and sustained relationships.

Focus on Technology

Technology is going to have a major influence on your driver safety, and it has to be something that you focus on as soon as possible. Technology can be used in trucks, and it can be added to cabs to help prevent lane departures and reduce the risk of collisions. Integrating technology within your trucks will give you greater control and it will give your drivers more confidence too. For example, using GPS tracking devices is a great way to enhance the safety of both your driver and truck. When drivers have increased levels of confidence, they are less likely to make silly or rash decisions that could end up in an accident.

Listen and Communicate with Drivers

Your drivers who are out there on the roads and highways every day will have an opinion. They will have thoughts and they will have needs and requirements too. When you are open to listening and communicating with your drivers you can see what they want, and what they need. You have to open two-way communications with your drivers to ensure success, and to ensure that they feel valued, listened to and appreciated.

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Seek Feedback

What safety systems do you currently have in place, and are they adequate enough? When were safety systems last reviewed, and by whom? Getting feedback about what you are doing from an outside agency or contractor is essential. Getting to grips with where changes and improvements need to be made is crucial to your firms’ progression.

Route Planning is Key

Are your drivers currently using the safest routes possible, or are they pursuing the quickest route – that may not be the safest? When you take charge of route planning, you can be sure that your drivers avoid unnecessary stressful and dangerous situations. Do not send drivers on routes that you know get clogged at rush hour, and do not send them on roads or routes that are narrow and height restricted as this may compromise their safety.

Remove Distractions from Trucks

Cabs can be full of distractions – even for the most experienced of drivers. Removing unnecessary and unwanted distractions should be your top priority. In this process, you have to ensure that cabs are comfortable, and fit for purpose. However, you must ensure that they are not too kitted out – as this will lead to driver distraction.

Time Off is Crucial to Long Term Success

Now that you have on the road safety covered, you also have to consider off-road safety. Your drivers need an adequate amount of time off. They need time to wind down, relax and switch off. If they are not getting real time to relax and unwind, then you may find this affects their concentration levels when they are on the road.

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