Last Updated on Mar 13, 2020 by James W


Are you a blog or a website owner? Would you like to make it bigger, better and stronger, as well as with more traffic in it? If you do so, I am sure you already know how hard is it for every one of us to keep a blog up, with posts published every day and on a high quality. Yet, on top of that it is even harder to take your blog away and show it to the wide world, even with such a great quality of your posts! This is exactly why we, today, decided to show you just how to make your posts more appealing and worldwide seen, but most of all – available! Make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines to get a better picture over what we are saying.


Take it from the photos

Believe it or not, scientists have discovered that the posts with a great photo or image of it would make it 39% more interested in being read at any age. Not only will this generate more traffic to you, but you will definitely not pass a single day unobserved when posting something up on the blog!


Use Social Networks

If you want free marketing, Internet has it all for you. Use your Facebook, Twitter and even Linkedin account in order to do the marketing way all free and useful for you. By this way, the information goes to the people and it will redirect them to your blog, where, hopefully, they will spend a big amount of time now!

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Get A Great Start In Manufacturing


Weekend Twitter-ing

By having a Twitter account your blog is so easy to be followed. Here is a short Twitter guide for you to make it easy – it has been proven that the weekend twitter-ing is more likely to be seen and followed since there is the right time when anyone could stay online. In addition, the messages under 100 characters are the most likely to succeed and fortunately be followed. On top of that, if you add a link in the message which would redirect others to your website, you are the right man for this job! You will see how easily traffic is generated and increased as days go by, all by working a bit to the social network platform. Nothing is more appealing to the human eye than seeing how others care about them, so why would your website make an exception from the rule?


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at