Last Updated on Mar 5, 2020 by James W


Having a good quality business card, one that is memorable, rather than something plain, like black text on a white background, could be the difference between that big deal, and getting lost in the shuffle.

So, what should you put on your card? How can you ensure that your card is memorable, and will stand out from the rest? Below are some tips you can use to build your business card into something that will stick in your client’s mind.

  • Firstly, in today’s technological age, having a website is a necessity. If your business has a site, be sure to something that will stick in your client’nd out from the rest. Below arude the web address on your card. This could drive sales via e-commerce on your site, and will allow potential clients or customers to see what your company is all about.
  • Social media links are also a good idea. Has your company got a Facebook page, or a Twitter feed? These services, and others such as LinkedIn are being used more and more for business needs, and to drive sales. You need only log onto Facebook to see that companies are advertising their wares / services, in many different ways. Competitions being one of the main ways to get noticed.
  • The company logo. A no brainer really. If your company has a logo, this should be displayed prominently on your card. If you don’t yet have a logo, consider having one designed, or have a go at it yourself – this could be the difference between being memorable, or getting lost in the mix.
  • Traditional contact methods such as address, telephone and fax numbers should always be given. Sure, we live in a technological age, but there will always be those who prefer to deal in more traditional fashion. It can sometimes be easier to just pick up the phone!
  • If your company has a tagline – include this. The tagline for a company can sometimes be more memorable than the company name itself. If you do not have a tagline, it may be worth considering thinking one up.
  • Colours – what colour should you go with? As above, avoid black on white. Your cards will look cheap, and as if they have come from one of those business card booths in the local shopping centre. Choose strong, contrasting colours. These will really “pop??? off the card. Try to ensure there is not a clash with the colour of the company logo.
  • Avoid glossy finishes – A glossy finish looks good, but are impossible to write on. Some client’s like to write certain details down on the card – perhaps the name of a salesperson representing the company. A matte finish will look good, and is easy to write on.
  • An emerging trend currently is the use of QR codes. Further info on QR codes can be found online. Having one of these on your cards will really make you stand out, and appear forward thinking.
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So, there are some ideas to help with the creation of your perfect business card.

Author Bio:

Graham O’Connor is a freelance blogger who writes on business and marketing relating topics

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at