Last Updated on Mar 13, 2020 by James W

Picture the scene; you’re at the office and you’ve got a pile of work that needs doing by the end of the day. You spend a great deal of time working on this, only to be hit by a power outage at the 11th hour. What do you do?

Your first reaction might be to panic and curse whatever causational factors have gone into this and while this might sound like a ridiculous situation to be in, it is more common than you would think. Naturally, none of us want this to happen and a lot of the time it doesn’t bear thinking about it – but in reality this potential issue should not be ignored.

This is where this post can help you though; we take a look at what causes these issues, why it’s such a problem and what you can do to help protect the best interests of your workplace.

The Causes of Power Outs

One of the most common causes is something simply beyond our control – the weather. During storms, strong winds, cold temperatures and even heavy rain, you can experience blackouts. This is because any objects that hit power lines in extreme weather invariably cause circuit breakers to turn off the power supply in the interests of public safety. Equally, ice forming on power lines can weigh them down or damage them and prolonged rain with subsequent flooding can cause problems with low-lying power stations and control centers.

Other disruption can come from basic human error, including accidental shutdown, damage caused by accidents such as car crashes or problems from nearby building work. Also, there’s the more localised issues caused from overloading of in-house systems. Regardless of the cause though, it’s the after-effects that are the real problem.

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Why this is Such an Issue

The most obvious, negative effect is the fact that your work is going to be interrupted – this is particularly frustrating if you’re working with computers or are reliant on electronic systems. What compounds this more so in business,is that time really is money and failure to meet deadlines can cost you financially and worst still, leave you with unsatisfied customers.

Think about your data as well. If you’re running backup servers, without any power these will stop working and you could lose large amounts of important information.

What You Can Do

So to ensure your business doesn’t become another victim of power failure, the solution is really simple – install a backup or standby generator, such as the ones available at Critical Power. The money you spend investing in such devices will be well spent, as you’ll not only guarantee your business can keep working but you’ll have the peace of mind in knowing your hard work is safe and secure at the same time.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at