Last Updated on Mar 27, 2020 by James W

If you’re thinking about starting a business, you need to know how to market it. Without a proper marketing campaign, you’ll struggle to reel in customers. Use these four ideas if you want to market your business effectively:

Create A Billboard Advert

Marketing is all about getting your business out there. Your entire marketing campaign is built around helping you get noticed. There are few better ways to do this than by creating a billboard advert. Although digital advertising is taking over, there’s still a place in the world for billboards. These are huge adverts that are hard for people to miss. And, they’re always situated in perfect locations. Locations that are guaranteed to have lots of people walk/drive passed every day. The more people there are looking at your ad, the more likely it will have an effect. It can catch their attention and be the thing that gets them interested in your business. You could see your customer count rise.

Make sure that you get your advert designed by a professional. It has to stand up to the other adverts out there. It must be polished. Try and make it funny too, funny adverts are usually the best. Either that or powerful. A powerful ad gets people thinking about something. You want this advert to leave a long lasting impression. It has to be something that people think about for the rest of their day.

(Picture via pixabay:

Host An Event

One of the cleverest ways you can market your business is by hosting an event. It’s a way for you to get lots of people to one location, and talk to them about your company. Most small businesses will use this tactic when they first open. They host an event and invite all the other local business owners and the public along. It gets people knowing more about your business, a great way to hit the ground running.

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The key to making your event successful is preparation. Plan things out so that everything runs smoothly. Decide on a location for your event, somewhere that can hold a decent amount of people. You could hire a small hall for the evening; it won’t cost much. Then, think about getting people to work at your event. Envisage Promotions can supply your business with event staff for as long as you require them. Having professional staff working at your event will make it even better. Then, consider what you’ll talk about. Have something prepared, so you can give a little talk at the beginning of the event. Let people know a bit more about your business, get them interested. Doing this is a great way to market and promote your new company.

(Image Link:

Create A Website

Some people don’t know this, but creating a website can be one of the best marketing techniques around. It will be at the epicentre of your internet marketing strategy. A website combines so many great things into one. It’s like a digital advert that never goes away. If people are looking for a business like yours, they’ll search for it online. With a website, you can ensure that they find your business! But, if you don’t have one, no one will be able to find your business on the internet.

If you want to use your website effectively, there’s one thing you must consider. You have to think about web traffic. This refers to the amount of people visiting your site every day. If you’re getting a lot of web traffic, that’s good. It means loads of people are on your site and checking out your business. If you don’t have a lot of traffic, that’s bad. You need to focus on getting more people viewing your site. To do this, you can use other internet marketing techniques. Stuff like SEO and PPC will help boost your site views. Getting lots of traffic can have a direct influence on your customer count!

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Make A Promotional Video

My final marketing idea is to make a promotional video for your business. You see these on websites a lot of the time. Small business owners usually place them on their homepage; it’s a greeting to the public. But, you can also upload it to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, take your pick!

A promo video is great because it does exactly what it says on the tin. It will promote your company. You don’t have to create some blockbuster masterpiece for it to have an effect. All you need is a five-minute video giving more info on your business. It can inform people and talk about some of your key selling points. A wonderful way to market a company.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at