Last Updated on Mar 5, 2020 by James W


Hey there, Colin Burnett with you today! Have you heard about Warren Buffet and his crazy explanation for why he has been so successful?

Well I have been following Warren Buffet and his investing principles for a while now. The basic principle he is talking about here reminds me of quite a funny story actually.

I come from the outback in Queensland Australia and when I was younger I worked on this sheep and cattle station. I worked for this guy and for this recollection lets just call him uncle Rick. You are probably wondering where I’m going with this lol but bare with me. Uncle Rick was a wild man but taught me some good principles I have used in life since those days. So one day we were down around his house and he had this new truck. It was used for carting cattle and all sorts of things. My mate and I being young guys were keen to get in this truck and put our foot to the floor. And that we did!

It was all great fun until uncle Rick came roaring up beside us on the road and cut us off until we stopped. He was calm on this occasion actually and just walked over to us sitting in the truck. We were both 18 and full of cheek but this day we learnt our lesson. He simple said to us, ‘Drive it like you have lady parts!’ Well we didn’t really know what to think but once he explained it, it made sense.

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I have been a machinery operator since that and people always say that women are better operators than men. Why is that and why does Warren Buffet invest like a girl? Well sometimes testosterone just gets in the road. It’s not really good for anything but breaking stuff. And luckily women have a little less of that and sometimes more common sense. It is the same thing be it driving a massive bulldozer or investing, if you keep your emotions in check, you will have way better results. You won’t be prone to over leverage and also break that big machine if you are operating it.

Warren Buffet truly is a hero of mine and a great mentor. I also have mentors who are buffet students here in Australia. Buffet makes mistakes sure, we all do but his knowledge is where it’s at. Knowledge is power and no one can take it away from you. So think about what I say here and if you are serious about investing, you can take it on board.

I’ll go back to chilling out here in my office and let you get back to whatever you are doing.
Colin Burnett is a personal blogger who writes about how to make money and get a lot of wealth. You can contact him over Facebook.


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