Last Updated on Nov 26, 2020 by James W

In business planning, the major stakeholders in business formulate strategies, policies, and actions to ensure the business’s continuity, prosperity, and expansion. It incorporates collecting viable ideas in a formal business plan that comprises a recap of the business’s present state and the broader market. 

As a business owner, you are required to formulate a clear business plan before proceeding to the business planning stage. A business plan is an official formulated document that encompasses business goals, ways of achieving these goals, and a stipulated timeline for accomplishing the stated goals. The document also describes the type of business, organization’s framework, financial estimates, expectations of the business, and its approach to attain the desired targets. Generally, a business plan is a very significant document as it acts as a road map that offers direction to the business. 

Business plans may be internally or externally engrossed. An external business plan highlights significant goals to outside stakeholders, including investors, customers, donors, and clients. An internal business plan highlights entirely the major intermediate goals desired to achieve the external goals. 

As a business owner, you can apply various convenient and cost-effective tricks to help in effective business planning. Some of these tricks include;


A business budget provides a clear picture of business expenditures and profits and makes significant financial, planning, and human resource decisions. It also highlights the organization’s financial and operational goals. As a business owner, having a well-formulated budget helps you allocate resources and gives clear directions in the formulation of plans. 

If you are starting up a business for the first time and have no previous year’s budget figure to direct your financial planning, it is always advisable to estimate the expenses than revenues. 

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Hiring the right people for your business. 

Hiring the right people is paramount for the growth and success of any business. Entrepreneurs should have a professional hiring process when bringing new staff on board. Employing the right people for your business reduces employee turnover, thus avoiding costly and painful mistakes. The recruitment process should be founded on concrete, objective factors. 

Create your Entrepreneur’s essential backup plan. 

No entrepreneur ventures in business, expecting the business to fail. However, things can take a different turn in the entrepreneurial world, and it is important to cope quickly. As a business owner, you should develop solid strategies to ensure the business’s success and longevity.

A backup plan is supposed to secure important elements of your business from risk and uncertainty and make sure that those elements are still creating income in case of a downturn in the business. 

Business downsizes. 

Business downsizing involves reducing the overall operational costs in a business, such as reducing the number of employees, plant closures, etc., thus increasing efficiency and productivity in the firm’s departments. The main purpose of downsizing is to reincorporate an organization to make it more competitive. 

Picking up the right equipment. 

Picking up the right equipment for your business plays a major role in your business processes, productivity, and innovations. While choosing your plant equipment, consider both short and long -term needs for your company. An investment plan helps not only in saving time but also in unnecessary costs. 

Business owners should also consider dry hire instead of spending money on buying new equipment. One of the benefits of dry-hiring over buying is cutting off the costs of buying new equipment given the high-cost heavy machinery. 

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Outsourcing is a business strategy that involves sub-contracting job functions to a third party. Some of the benefits of outsourcing include; lowering the operational costs of a business, increase efficiency and access to skills and resources.


Article writer, life lover, knowledge developer and owner at