


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of employees have had to work from home, including those that had never done so before. Some of these remote-work approaches were executed abruptly, leaving managers and employees to navigate a new work reality besides concerns and personal anxieties about the health crisis. Although unintentional, remote work can leave staff stressed, unmotivated, and distracted. This will decrease your productivity if you do not do something about the issue. Let…

Image credit: Developing convenient and understandable user interfaces is key to enhancing the user experience. As the features offered by internet technology are increasing, the user expectation also continues to escalate. This places greater importance on making the digital experience accessible and user-friendly. The internet experience should be convenient for all, irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, disability, or disease. About 1 in 5 Americans are disabled and 54% of them use the internet. This…

Who doesn’t want to make extra cash? Especially if you’re a college student or you’ve recently graduated. Those serving or bartending jobs, retail positions, internships, or entry-level job positions alone just aren’t paying the bills. Unless of course you work two jobs. I recently graduated from college and immediately started an entry-level position; which I love. It’s great having a set schedule and pay that won’t change. Relying on how busy business is on a…

All writers, ranging from novelists to freelance writers, are a curious breed. Very creative and insightful, yet notoriously hopeless when it comes to managing their time. Now, that might not have been a problem in the past, when the only thing that was required of a writer was to write. Nowadays, though, writers need to wear many hats, so in addition to writing, they have to know their way around a computer in order to…

Have you ever wished you could have everything set up for when you are working? Would you like to be able to be more prolific than ever, through an office than is all ready for anything? Well, believe it or not, the key to making a qualitative output is to have the perfect environment – as with the right tools. These being said, in case you are looking forward to knowing more concerning the subject,…

Work got you down? Is getting out of bed on a Monday morning a superhuman effort? You’re not alone — in addition to the ordinary stress of a job, some people find that their workplace actively makes them frustrated and depressed. However, if you catch yourself feeling really down in the dumps or stressed beyond measure, you can take steps to improve the situation and put that bounce back in your step. So why might…