Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W


Social media has changed the way that business is done and the way that businesses communicate with customers. Today, professionals use social media to engage with customers, network with others in the industry, and even unite team members.

Social media is not just important. Many would say that now it is vital for a range of businesses. However, there are also those who question the ultimate value of social media for business – you may be spending too much time on the wrong platform, or communicating the wrong message. Or it might just be inhibiting your employee’s productivity.

Vitally important, but not the only approach…

Many experts who work closely with businesses and brands, such as The Print Group,know that the role of social media should not be overlooked. They also know that for many businesses a multi-faceted approach to communication with customers is needed. This approach should include tangible items such as business cards, flyers and banners, as well as social media channels.

Both modes of communication have benefits, but as an ever-increasing number of consumers now turn to the Internet to findmore information about a business, product or service before they purchase, a diversified online presence is pivotal to success.

How does it work?

A common characteristic shared by many of today’s successful businesses is their willingness to use technology as a way to advance. These businesses have embraced new technologies and explored how they could increase engagement with customers. They’ve experimented with social media platforms, and have worked to develop content that generates buzz, encourages people to share and ultimately goes viral.

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People tend to pay attention to businesses and brands that produce clever, engaging content for social media.The really effective businesses know how to use this content to encourage potential customers to share their contact details, insights and opinions. Social media provides a great way for your business to discover and capitalise on new leads.

Advantages of social media marketing

One of the greatest advantages of social media marketing is that it is cheap. You can implement aneffective social media campaign without spending a lot of money. In some cases, it is practical for a business owner or delegated staff member to independently manage thesocial media profile.

In many cases, social media won’t replace your existing marketing and communications efforts. But they will add a new element which really engages customers, and could greatly increase the return on income from your promotional spend.

Patience may be required. Pay attention to your analytics to understand what your followers like, and include these learnings in your sales and marketing plans. This will help you fully realise the impact of social media.

Social media shapes decisions

In a world that is so powerfully driven by technology, businesses constantly need to redefine themselves. The most effective businesses do this with the input of their customers.

Social media can be useful as a driver of decisions. As a business owner, you should ensure that the feedback from social media engagement (in the form of comments, complaints, ‘likes’ and shares), is taken into account as important decisions are made. Savvy businesses understand that important information can be drawn from social media statistics and analytics. Look at yours to help you to find an edge over your competition.

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Today, social media influences many business activities, and can span all levels of an enterprise. While social media is vitally important to your business, all social media strategies should be planned and considered. Traditional forms of networking, communicating and marketing are still very relevant and should not be completely abandoned in favour of social media activity.


Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at