Last Updated on Mar 30, 2020 by James W


Everyone is making online transaction these days. But do you ever feel a little paranoid when you’re entering your payment details? If you’re not sure how online criminals work, then it can feel like they’re always watching.

It’s important to keep these details safe. Whether you’re making personal or business payments, you can protect yourself.


  1. Learn More About Cyber Crime

“Know your enemy???, as Sun Tzu put it in The Art of War. One of the most effective ways of strengthening your defence is researching how criminals operate. The FBI website is full of useful information on cyber crime. Knowing precisely what these guys are capable of will help you decide how best to tackle the problem.

A lot of people are aware of cyber crime. The problem is that people often don’t know the scale of the problem. Recently, an estimated $1 billion was stolen from world banks in the space of just two years. This was performed using just one of the thousands of malware packages in existence. Look up how these criminals operate and how their software functions. This will give you the upper hand.


  1. Tighten Your Network Security

The Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report analyzes data breaches ever year. As reported, inadequate Internet security is one of the leading reasons for data breaches. Without strong Internet security, criminals will find it easier to access your information.

Ensure that your home and business networks have adequate security. If you’re unsure of how to do this, there are experts you can speak to. Network security services will be able to help you make sure your connections have tight security. Without firewalls or antivirus software, every transaction you make online is a risk!


  1. Stick to What You Know
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There are several areas in which straying from the familiar can pose a risk. For example, making purchases while connected to a Wi-Fi connection that isn’t yours. Even if you are using your own computer, you can’t guarantee the safety of the Wi-Fi connection. This goes double if it’s a public Wi-Fi connection. It may be wise to stay away from any public Wi-Fi connections, but we know that isn’t always possible. Just be sure not to enter bank details on an unfamiliar connection.

The same goes for shopping websites. There are loads of trusted online stores, such as Amazon and eBay. But they don’t always stock the rare item you may be looking for. If you visit new websites, make sure the connection is encrypted and secure. If it is, the URL will start with the letters ‘https’. The address bar, or the browser’s status bar, will also display a small icon of a lock. This lock is usually coloured green. Even with this information, you must make sure others have had a good experience with the website. Make sure of website review resources. Google the website name along with the term “review??? or “customer experience???. Make sure this website hasn’t scammed others.

More financial security tips are available on our website.


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