Last Updated on Mar 23, 2020 by James W

Did you know that during the job interview you are more often disqualified by the small non-verbal mistakes then your education or professional experience? Job interview is a painful spot for many people. Everybody who at least once didn’t pass on this interview will always ask themselves what was crucial for receiving that negative impression. Often, many don’t even discover what was the real reason for being rejected. Here are a few mistakes that can cost anyone a good job opportunity.

Weak Handshake

How important the first impression is shouldn’t be explained. Put yourself in a position of HR manager who has to talk to over 100 candidates, and everything is clear. Weaker handshake suggests introversion, as well as lack of character, and more firmer handshake suggests social likeness and self-confidence.

Too Many Hand Movement

Gesticulation with both hands can support your verbal arguments, but be careful not to wave your hands too much and without any meaning. If you wave your hands too much you will leave an impression of neurotic person, rather then energetic one.

The right amount of smile

Smile is reflection of kindness and politeness. You shouldn’t hide it, but you shouldn’t exaggerate. Fight the urge to smile when the time and place isn’t right. Your employer could think you are hiding something or you are cynical.

Rolling your hair and face touching

Even though when we think we often put our chin on our hand, however hand to face contact should be avoided.

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Crossed Arms

Words can be restrained, but the body language never lies. Crossed Arms can be read as taking defensive or even worse arrogant attitude. You are well aware that not a single manager wants arrogant or frightened people in its team.

Not Looking A Person In The Eye

Lowering down your look, or constant looking back suggest the lack of confidence, fear or lack of interest. Try maintaining an eye contact, and if on the other side of the table sits more then one person, always look in the eyes the person you are talking too. Also, lowered eyebrows can suggest hostility or disagreement.

No one is born with the skills necessary for success. Self-confidence is gained and learned, it isn’t something you get when you are born. That is excellent news for everyone, because that means that everybody can train and improve the skill of self-presentation.

You can also check this post: How to Start a Small Business with Less Than $100


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