Last Updated on Feb 18, 2020 by James W

A business blog is an incredible tool for connecting with website visitors and customers. A number of businesses approach the use of their blog incorrectly. A blog is nothing more than a tool, like a hammer or a screwdriver. Like a hammer, it needs to be used correctly to reach the desired outcome. So how do you use this fantastic tool correctly?


1. Do not aim your business blog for sales.

Your business’s blog is the way to connect with consumers on a more person-to-person basis. If it is packed with attempts to sell, the audience will tune it out as they would any other advertising they may not be interested in. It is okay to post important information or if an unique opportunity is coming up. The regular content offering should be information surrounding your business or industry that a customer would find useful. Give them a reason to visit your website other than to buy.


2. Write to the average customer and back your facts.

Many professionals think a blog is a time to flex their knowledge by drowning the reader in jargon and industry slang. The reader is going to smile, nod, and promptly visit another website to find their answers. Avoid jargon and any other hard to understand lingo. Phrasing should be approach in a way that anyone can understand. Readers like statistics backed with sourcing. If you cite specific facts or statistics, ensure they are backed with credible source material. (Not Wikipedia!)


3. Keep your posts focused and efficient.

A general rule of thumb for business blogs is to limit post length to about 400-450 words. After that point, you start running the risk of losing the attention of the reader. The viewer does not read a blog the same way they read a book. The person will largely skim for points that interest them. Long posts are much harder to skim-read. In the event that you are tackling a subject that needs more attention, you are far better off just writing two 400 word articles than one 700.


4. Let a personality show through the text.

Website pages are generally cold, sterile and full of analytical information. A blog is an opportunity to connect in a more personal way with the reader. Thus, it is a far better idea to offer a general conversational tone than the sterile presentation of website copy. It is also a great idea to have a smiling headshot of someone included with the posts. That causes the reader’s mind to draw the connection between the person and the text. A picture of the owner of the company is the best option.


5. Originality is the key to attracting readers.

A business blog provides the opportunity to set yourself apart from the competition. You do not accomplish that by rehashing the same information everyone else is. Yes, it is true that finding a truly original idea is pretty difficult to do. A device used by creative minds is to find a way to take the subject matter and make it unique to themselves. No one else has your exact experience and world view. Use the things you’ve experienced to get an edge.


6. Utilize proper formatting and images.

Want to create a readable page that people will remember? Keep your paragraphs short and to the point. When writing for the Internet, a good rule of thumb is approximately 3-5 lines. Use subheadings to help the reader navigate the text easier. Find available images through the Internet to help illustrate or supplement your post. There are several websites that are depositories of royalty-free images or will allow you to use an image so long as it is properly credited.


Author’s Bio
Jeff has been blogging since 2007 & contributing on many websites since that time. He is a professional internet marketing and blogging consultant. Jeff is also a consultant and content contributor for Queens homes NY community.

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at