Last Updated on Apr 1, 2020 by James W

Businesswoman Writing on White Board and Businessman at Table --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Have you ever wondered how life is in the Big Apple? Would you like to have just a glance to what are those businesses which turn out to be the most prolific and also, know how you could develop a strategy that is all worth it? If so, you are at the right place and at the right time to find out the truth. Nowadays, coming up with an original idea for a business is something that we would rather call – impossible. Still, as time goes by, we seem to understand that the most important thing for a business is to have a high utility. These being said, in case you are looking forward to knowing more concerning the subject, make sure to stick with us and keep an eye onto the following lines in order to find more about the top 3 most prolific businesses developed in New York City!

  1. Archestratus

Do you simply love eating and reading? If so, Archestratus is the right choice for you. Being based in Brooklyn, you can come anytime and buy books and amazing delicious food. This place is a pub where they sell only books and food. When it comes to the literature part, you should know by now that they also have cooking books, some of the best to choose from. Yummy!

  1. CoolMess

Manhattan is the best place where to spend your days. With so many pubs and restaurants where you can eat everything you want, there is simply no reason why CoolMess is as cool as it sounds. Here, you can make your own ice cream with the ingredients that you want. All you have to do is a real mess trying to make the one that you are craving for – that amazing taste that is, to be quite honest, original and unique. If you don’t feel way too energetic for that, you can always order their recipe that is more than delicious!

  1. Tasting Collective
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I told you, Manhattan is the best. Here lies the amazing Tasting Collective, the place where you can eat as much as you want for $199 per year – still, not in the same place though. By paying this fee, you will have instant access to discounted meals and private places where tasting is allowed only to those who joined. There, you can eat as much as you like!


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