Last Updated on Feb 23, 2024 by James W

Are you having a hard time bringing in new patients? Is it near impossible to find your website on Google?

If these issues sound familiar, your dental practice could use a web marketing overhaul. Though your dental website might not be your priority, we have some information that might change your mind.

Keep reading as we break down the importance of effective dental website marketing!

Most Purchasing Decisions Take Place Online

When you’re looking to learn about a new product or company, where’s the first place you turn to? If you’re like most people, Google!

Simply having a website isn’t enough. You’ll need to navigate the constantly changing world of search engine optimization (SEO) so patients see your practice’s website before noticing the competition.

Improving your site’s SEO means doing a number of things, including focusing on content creation, utilizing the right keywords in the right ways, and changing your site’s data structure so it’s more accessible for web crawlers.

It’s a lot to handle, which is why many practices choose to work with a Dental SEO agency. You’ll have the freedom to focus on your practice while your SEO partners focus on the best ways to market your dental website.

A Website Allows You to Build Relationships

In the previous section, we touched on content creation. The most common form of content creation, blogging, can be a great way to expand your practice’s reach.

You’re probably thinking ‘I’m a dentist, not a writer. So why would I need a blog?’

Aside from the SEO benefits mentioned above, blogging can be a great way to show off your company culture, endear yourself to soon-to-be patients, and show off your expertise.

Read more
How not to Waste Money on Marketing

Your website is the perfect place to host testimonials, too.

While talking about your expertise and knowledge is beneficial, visitors want to see the effects of your work first-hand. There’s no better way to show off your skills than by highlighting your patients’ beautiful smiles!

It’s a Central Hub for Your Digital Marketing

As important as website marketing for dental practices is, it’s one component of the bigger machine that is your marketing strategy. Your website can be a great way to expose visitors to your marketing on other digital platforms.

After all, your website isn’t necessarily the only place people will go to look for info on your practice. Patients will also look for social media pages, directory listings, and more.

Make no mistake, 88% of consumers rely on these types of information to make a purchasing decision.

Adding things like social media buttons on your homepage or links to your video content in a blog post is an easy way to introduce visitors to these additional venues of info.

Why You Should Prioritize Dental Website Marketing

Focusing on dental website marketing is no longer an option, but a necessity. The ways patients discover dental practices have changed, so you’ll need to do some changing too.

Keep the above information in mind. And remember, you can hire some outside help if the process feels overwhelming.

Want more tips on growing your business? Then check out the rest of our business blog!


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