Statistics show that people in New Zealand owe increasing amounts of money to creditors. Whether they are paying off credit card bills, car loans, or other debt, these monthly payments can add up very quickly. If you are experiencing a similar issue due to credit card debt or student loans, you may be wondering about your options. One of the ways that you can escape from this nightmare of constantly paying monthly instalments is…
Debt collection remains a highly regulated industry. Individuals and companies find they may get into trouble as a result. They believe they are adhering to all rules and regulations only to find they were wrong when they receive a big fine. What must a person know when they attempt to collect accounts that have gone past due? Obtain Help From Professionals Although a business owner might believe they can collect the debt themselves without outside…
You may not realise it, but proper debt collection is vital for any and every business. Effective debt collection aids cash flow in your company and makes sure that your company can pay its own bills and expenses. If your debt collection doesn’t work efficiently this can lead to financial problems and major issues for your business. To help you avoid making costly mistakes with your business’s debt collection efforts, keep reading! 1. Not having contracts,…
Did you know that around 26 million Americans are “credit invisible?” This means that approximately 10% of adults don’t have a credit record! You might think that this subject shouldn’t concern you since you have all your finances in order and you haven’t hit a roadblock yet. But do you even know what a credit score is and what it can do for you? And if you don’t have a credit score (or if it’s poor), what can you…
If you have multiple debts to different lenders and are finding it difficult to keep on top of repayments, then you may benefit from consolidation. There are a few different ways to do this, so it’s essential to do your research and understand the benefits and disadvantages of each option before deciding on a particular route. If consolidating your debt will help you to manage your money more effectively and move you in the right…
Have you ever been through a situation in which you could not keep up with your spending? Would you like to know how to approach such a situation, without being afraid that you might fall? Well, believe it or not, this could just be the case – nowadays, the vast majority of the global population seem to face the situation in which handling money is not necessarily done in the best method – rather, they…