121 Results



Business expenses account for millions of pounds worth of company expenditure every year, and from travel to accommodation, eating out to entertainment, businesses are looking to reduce the amount their employees spend and claim back on business trips. If you’re self-employed, you’ll want to limit your business expenses as much as possible, and unless your start-up company has been lucky enough to generate a tremendous amount of early capital, then saving money while on business…

Considering that “99%??? has all but entered our dictionaries, it’s interesting to stop for a while and think about that dubious 1%. It elicits so much of what Guardian writer Oliver Burkeman calls “envy, admiration, disdain [and] awe??? that peoples’ feelings surrounding the minority have dissolved into plain, old, hard-boiled anger. But the percentages are not actually correct; simply type your annual income into globalrichlist.com and you may find yourself amongst the unattainables.  But this is…

The national economy has been a reasonable cause for concern for the past three or so years, and with news from over the Pond not showing any signs of a warm up, many Australians have abandoned the very thought of taking out a loan. However, as the Reserve Bank of Australia’s recent negative vote on further rate cuts seems to suggest, there may just be a light, albeit minuscule for the time being, shining at…

The binary trading option does not consist of buying or selling, nor does it consist of the right to buy or sell the way the traditional trading option offer it. However, it does deal with the movement of assets and predict price patterns of underlying assets. Further, it is more being similar to betting over prices that could go vary between high and low. What usually matter is selecting an underlying asset and guessing whether…

There are some cases when a person may be awarded with a large sum of money, including personal injuries, medical or legal malpractice, work related issues and some others. In any of these circumstances a plaintiff settles a tort suit with the insurance company that provides a settlement agreement. Generally, the amount of money assigned to a plaintiff is paid through a series of periodic tax-free installments over several years rather than in a single…

As technology grows smarter, and thieves employ more ingenious ways of embezzling money, companies have started to employ forensic accountants to identify and track the source of lost money. A forensic accountant investigates and documents financial frauds or inaccurate materially significant information. The business of forensic accounting In order to successfully identify instances of fraud, forensic accountants must have considerable degree of knowledge about the usage of information technology in accounting and auditing procedures. It’s…