Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W
I’m sure that you heard about people that made millions of dollars online, many of you probably started your online business because you want to become one of those people.
And I don’t blame you, the Internet today is like a gold mine, and right now we’re in a big gold rush, from online buying and selling to social media promotions and blogging.
Everyone wants a piece of the cake, some will succeed and some not, it all depends from which tactic you’re going to use and in which niche you’ll get in. If you need more inspiration, then I can recommend you to stay with me and check out this list I’m about to share with you.
In this post I will share with you some very famous people, from software developers , entrepreneurs to bloggers and very unique individuals.
Here they are, people that made millions online and figured out this whole Internet Gold Rush and learned how to make money online.
Sergey Brin and Larry Page
The guys who made it all happen, smart guys who created Google and now are worth over 20, billion each. Their field is in search engines and web browsing. And they all started from a garage and without company, the money they first got was a check for a $100,000 and they didn’t had a place to deposit the money, humble beginnings for a most valued company in the world today.
Kevin Rose
This guy is my favorite one, there you go I admit it, he used around $10,000 of his own money I think to start a Digg, once my favorite bookmarking website, but not anymore since it’s looking really bad now, and it looks like people are not important for them anymore.
But while Kevin was there, everything was running smoothly and Google tried to buy it for $200 million. He made millions for sure while being the key person in the company.
Pierre Omidyar
Omidyar was 28 when he sat down over a long holiday weekend to write the original computer code for what would eventually become an internet superbrand — the auction site eBay. He wanted to sell his laser on the website, but i guess he got much more then he initially taught would be possible.
Justin Kan
Justin Kan is Internet entrepreneur and investor. He is the co-founder of live video platforms and TwitchTV, as well as the mobile social video application, Socialcam. He became famous for wearing heavy cam on his back and live broadcasting everything with a webcam attached to his head. Recently On July 17, 2012, Autodesk agreed to acquire Socialcam for $60M.
Jeff Bezos
Bezos founded in 1994 after making a cross-country drive from New York to Seattle, writing up the Amazon business plan on the way. He initially set up the company in his garage.According to Forbes, Amazon’s shares have “defied gravity” in 2011, jumping 55% and adding $6.5 billion to his net worth.
Darren Rowse
One of the best bloggers online, the father of blogging and my favorite blogger of all. Maybe he didn’t made his millions fast like the rest of the crew, but he sure deserves the place on this list. Darren Rowse is a blogger, speaker, consultant and founder of several blogs and blog networks, including b5media and
Matt Mickiewicz
If you’re not sure that hard work pays off, then you need to read and check out this guy. He created sitepoint, flippa and 99 designs. Born in Krakow, Poland, and currently residing in Vancouver, Canada, Mickiewicz created his first website at the age of 14 called, which later became SitePoint. At 16, Mickiewicz traveled to Melbourne with his parents and met his soon to be business partner and co-founder, Mark Harbottle. At 16, Mickiewicz found himself closing $10,000 advertising deals between classes at high school.
I know that there are many more interesting entrepreneurs online and If you want to share them with us, please leave a comment below.