Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W
How much do you earn from your blog last month?
Would an extra $1000 make a difference? If you answered yes to the second question, this case study is for you. Read it and you’ll learn how easy anyone with a blog and a product can make a big difference in the lives of others – the target audience.
The first crucial TRUTH I want to point out to you is that your blog is not for everyone. You need to narrow your niche and concentrate on a subset of the market.
For instance, if you want to make money in the health niche, it’d be extremely difficult trying to solve every health problem.
But when you identify the area you’ve passion for, like helping people with arthritis pain to get relief – then you’re in for success.
The success of a blog begins with goal
When I started blogging, I must confess I had no goal in place. In fact, I barely knew how to write one. This was the mistake that almost crippled my passion but I’m glad that in 2012, I finally took the plunge and fixed things up.
Write a goal in paper – forget having it in your brain. You need to understand that the brain can’t process more than one idea at a time. Even if it does, it’d cause confusion and at the end, no tangible result would come out of it.
The goal you write MUST be based on what you’ve at hand and your visions for tomorrow. For me, I desired to promote affiliate programs and sell my writing services to as many potential clients as possible.
How many targeted readers do you want to have on your blog in a particular year. Make it plain and you’ll experience tremendous success.
The energy and enthusiasm to pursue your goals would appear, from nowhere. When you don’t have a blogging goal, you’re literally chasing shadows. Making money online with a blog may not be an overnight venture, but it’s 100% possible if you’ve REALISTIC goals.
How personal are you?
Do your blog readers know you? Do they even know your full name?
I know a lot of bloggers who started out with a pseudonym but later on, changed to their original names because they wanted to engage people.
How would you say you love people when your gravatar photo is that of a Cartoon? Yes, quality content is a motivating factor which you need to build an active blog audience, but your personality matters a lot.
If you listen to your readers more, you’d hear still small voices yearning for love. These people who came to your blog truly believe in you, but the trust is not there yet.
It doesn’t take work to believe someone, but to earn the trust; you need to prove that you truly care. Come down to their level. Find out what problems your readers are battling with and challenge yourself to solving them.
That was what I did with my blog and gradually, the money started rolling in like a broken Automated Teller Machine. I’m not a millionaire yet, but I’m on my way and in the nearest future, I’m going to live the internet lifestyle and help more people attain their business goals as well.
That’s the essence of life – to support, encourage and motivate people. Every blogger should do that – it’s the secret to building trust and winning in any competitive niche.
Did you use any free tool to grow your blog? Write a step by step tutorial to help your readers. If you’ve time (10 minutes), create a short video to convey your message better. Anything you can do to add value to your readers’ lives, please do it and gradually you’ll earn the trust. And after that…
Monetize your blog like a pro
Many people have made blogging difficult. They say it’s all about hard work and takes a lot of time to make money from it.
Sure, there is no alternative to working hard, but pro bloggers knows better than that. They’ve earned the trust and to start making money quickly, all they need do is refer readers to an affiliate product.
Affiliate marketing is still very active, profitable and easy to profit from unlike creating your own info product – which can take months or even years.
If you’re an affiliate marketer and have thousands of active readers who like and respect you, making $1000 – $10,000 a month is possible.
I know a lot of bloggers who earn more than that, and would even laugh at my figures – but that’s a good start for beginners and intermediates alike. So, build your blog and audience first and foremost. Then monetize with helpful affiliate offers. See you at the top!
Author Bio :
Do you want to become a top affiliate in the health industry? Download his free super affiliate handbook: “The Road to Success” ($197 VALUE) and learn how he was able to generate 109 sales in a single day.
This Guest Post is written by Michael Chibuzor