


What would you do to increase your conversion rate by 50% right now? Increase your advertising? Produce more content? Invest more time and efforts into marketing? Here are 22 things you can do right now to improve your conversions, without trying any of the above. 1. Create Urgency A feeling of scarcity helps motivate buyers. For example, limited goods, and limited offer period seem to work well. Don’t fake scarcity just to get buyers; you’ll…

Internet marketing has been on the uptick in the recent years. More and more companies are utilizing them in order to gain additional brand awareness for their products. Here are some tips for people who may want to utilize internet marketing strategies for their companies. Communicate: The best way to be able to market your company over the internet is to have a variety of communication channels. You can open various avenues for clients to…

With so much in marketing depending on knowledge of your target customer base, one of the most powerful weapons in your armory is market research. When it comes to online marketing, the power of market research is increased exponentially, partly because of its unbeatable cost effectiveness, and mainly because of the huge numbers of people it can reach. There is many a free online survey tool available to make your Web surveys even more effective,…

While most businesses make a lot of effort to entice new customers, not all companies have effective practices to keep existing ones. According to Sarah Robinson, author of Fierce Loyalty: Unlocking the DNA of Wildly Successful Communities, acquiring new customers is six or seven times more expensive than keeping existing ones. What customers are your weekly newsletters designed to attract? Follow the tips by dotMailer to create meaningful emails for your customers. Personalise your emails.…

There’s a good chance that business owners today have either learned a lot about generating leads offline or generating leads online. However, in order to be competitive, small businesses need to understand the advantages of each and to then determine which one of is the best fit for their respective industries.  Here’s a look at how offline and online lead generation methods compare: Generating Leads Offline It’s a little harder to research a potential customer…

The marketing and promotion of a small business requires a specific approach or strategy. This may be a challenge if your business has limited resources or advertising budget. However, a small budget does not need to limit the reach of your brand to potential customers. This will require creative methods that produce the best results from the marketing campaign for a small business. Purpose Business owners can easily do this by keeping a list…