


Starting your social media campaign can be an exciting and profitable experience, but you have to go in knowing which strategies you will use and how effective they can be. Without the proper planning, you will run into a lot of bumps that might risk your campaign’s overall chance at success. So, to give you a few ideas on some strategies that have proven to be effective, we are going to cover 5. Blog Content…

Running any kind of business is a challenge, but it is important to stay on top of the latest trends. No matter how long you have been in business, it is important to realize just how much the Internet has affected things. Thanks to the Internet, there is now a wider audience for companies to appeal to. This means that you can take a look around the entire world and see what customers you can…

Marketing companies have to get their research from somewhere and for many of them the humble survey is still a steadfast option, providing as much or more information as many more expensive alternatives. However, the internet is full of fake sites and it can often be quite hard to be certain that the survey site you’re looking at is real or fake. In addition, while some survey sites pay reasonably well, others don’t. So, between…

Online ads — we don’t like them but we can’t get away from them. While some are tolerable and even entertaining sometimes, others are irritating and may cause readers to swear off a website for good. It’s not so much what they’re about (although that can be an issue, too) but more of how these ads are presented. When online ads interfere with content and become so distracting, that’s when they get on people’s nerves.…

Who doesn’t love free stuff? We all do! Which is why promotional items can prove to be a great way to market your business and spread the word. However, simply sticking your company logo on whatever item comes your way won’t do the trick. In fact, it may cause your campaign to backfire and fizzle out. When it comes to picking promotional merchandise you want to take some time to carefully pick an item that…

If you are looking to increase your company’s online presence and increase traffic to your website, you basically have two options.  SEO, or search engine optimization, and PPC, or pay per click advertising.  The two strategies are proven effective in helping to boost traffic to specific websites, but that doesn’t mean that one approach isn’t better than the other for a specific company.  Deciding which is right for you is a matter of determining what…