Last Updated on Feb 27, 2020 by James W
I finally decided to write something like this and to show you how I use my articles to pay my bills and how you can do it too.
When it comes to online world and writing, you need to know this: you can get paid to post and you can get paid to publish. Posting can be on blogs, websites or forums, while publishing is more about getting your work to wide masses offline and online. And I mean on publishing your book or ebook, because when it comes to using your writing skills to pay your bills there are 3 important things to know.
You need to be good at content creation, content promotion, and content monetization, there is no anything else.
Now here is how I do it and how it helped me to pay my bills.
Content Creation
This is your starting point and finishing point, because if the content you create is bad it can finish you right at the start and you will not make any money. Do you think this post will make me any money? I’m pretty sure it will, because here I am, sitting behind my computer and revealing my earning secrets to you (my dear reader). This post will bring you value and in return I will get value too, that’s how the world works.
Now you can create your content on your blog but it’s not necessary, because the web is huge, there are other websites where you can create your content and get paid for writing.
Content needs to help a lot of people, to find out how many people are interested in article I want to write about, I usually use Google Keyword Tool. The second method I use are the Google and Bing search engines, simple, right? I type the title of my future article and then I see how many people are looking for the answer and is there any competition. I know that there are many tools out there to help me with this, but I just like to check it myself.
When creating content, you need to include some competitors in your post, in order to attract different opinions, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, it will just bring more viral effect to your blog post.
To find more ideas for writing, use the combination of your previous posts or if you are just starting, use simple projects, write about people and companies related to your topic. And later you can expand on tools and ways you did something, just like I’m writing this “How To” post for you.
And never write something that is only useful to you, people will not find value, don’t write a post where you just brag how you out ranked your competitor on Google without leaving any tips for your visitors and readers. Leave the most interesting part for the end.
Content Promotion
There are many ways I personally use to promote my content, the first one and the most obvious is the social media. You can see me all the time on the pinterest, twitter or facebook as soon as I post new and valuable post. I can say that I rush to social media like an addict, but that’s how the promotion work, you can’t just write a post and wait for it to become visible in search engines. No, you need to take action, someone somewhere wrote that “Content is King, But Even he Gets Lonely Sometimes” so think about it.
If you want for your content to get promoted by the others, use numbers in your post, it’s good to see 1,2,3,4 instead of a,b,c,d, sometimes. Show the numbers to the people, like how many billionaires is out there in the world today. Forbes published that there is (1,226) billionaires in 2012 and that their combined net worth, is at $4.6 trillion, up from $4.5 trillion.There are now billionaires from 58 countries.
You see, I bet you enjoyed those numbers, if you did, please tweet about it and tell the world [tweetherder]How People Can Pay Their Bills Using Articles[/tweetherder].
Use content promotion tools and plugins to get better results, you can see above how I used the tool called TweetHerder to make it easier for my readers to tweet my posts. Promotion is easier with the more tools and technology you use.
Content Monetization
Now this part is what you all have been waiting for, and I will go straight to the point. You can monetize your content on many different ways, I used adsense for ads inside the post or in the sidebar you can earn a lot but only if your traffic is big.
In text ads, like the infolinks, are the best one so far for me, this method uses some keywords inside your post, highlights them and promote companies and advertisers to your readers. Lets just say it’s better then adsense, it pays more and it pays faster, with paypal.
The second way my articles are paying for my bills is by writing review about the company. I use socialspark and they pay me around $70 dollars per article. This is not to brag, it’s just to show you that it’s possible to pay your bills just by writing simple articles online.
The third way is to write for an online advertising agencies and their clients, you will get smaller cut after the agency. but still that cut in my case is around $40 – $70 dollars per post and there can be 30 to 40 posts per month.
The fourth way is to link the company or advertiser inside the post using the simple link, but remember to never stuff your post with to many unrelated or even related links.
Opportunities are endless, your articles can pay your bills and with time they can replace your main source of income. It’s up to you on where do you want to start, in posting or publishing, the both ways are the right ones.