Last Updated on Apr 18, 2021 by James W
It’s a topic that people aren’t quick to talk about or even think about, but writing a will is something that is very much advisable well before that will is actually needed. All too often people put it off until their senior years, or tell themselves it’s not really necessary and things will just be “worked out”. In reality, having a will prepared in advance can help to relieve so much stress for your loved ones when they are busy grieving. It also ensures that your assets and property are divided in the way you see fit. But where do you start? We’ve got some basic tips and steps you can follow that can help you get started on writing your will.
Don’t Put It Off – Age Should Not Matter
If you’ve been under the impression that you don’t need to write a will until you are older, it’s time to think again. Writing a will when you are just starting out in your career and your life is actually a really smart thing to do. Don’t forget, you can make changes and additions to your will over the years – it doesn’t have to be stagnant. This is why age shouldn’t be a deciding factor as to when you write your will.
You Will Need to Choose an Executor
In order to write a will with all the instructions you wish to leave, an executor will be needed. This is a person you will name, and you want to be sure it is someone who you can trust to go about things in the correct and responsible manner. You also don’t want to choose someone without at least speaking to them first, and letting them know your intentions.
Be as Specific as Possible
A will is not the place to be vague when it comes to details and the inventory of assets you leave behind. You want to be as specific as possible, which means your will could be pretty long.
Bring in Help for a More Involved Process
For those who have a much larger estate or asset portfolio, writing your own will isn’t advisable. Instead, it’s best to use a professional that offers estate planning services. They will be up-to-date on how to create an inventory of your estate, how to use tax-efficient methods and the legal work. They can also help you to discuss the plans with your beneficiaries, and much more. It just makes the process a lot smoother.
The Will Needs Witnesses
The final tip is that when you sign the will, you need to do so in front of witnesses. These don’t have to be the beneficiaries of the will; they just need to witness you signing it so they too can sign and confirm.
So, rather than put it off any longer, there truly is no time like the present to go ahead and write a will and ensure that things are in order and your wishes will be followed.