Last Updated on Mar 12, 2020 by James W


31278606_mThe lack of inspiration is one of the well known and met problems every single one of us is dealing with from time to time, especially when working online. There is not a secret anymore the fact that the place in a room influences you in many and varies ways. If you do want to see what are the most useful when not feeling as having the words on your tongue, make sure to keep an eye onto the following lines – your next post might be the best you would ever have!

Boom of Light

Studies have recently showed up how the natural light can positively influence us on varies ways. If you want to get the divine inspiration, you should be as closer to it as possible. And how better can you do it if not by positioning yourself into the first boom of light that comes near you? Make yourself comfortable, get your fluffy & cozy armchair next to a big bright window and you are all done! As minutes pass by, your hands will fill in numerous pages, letting your words make the story.

Coziness while looking luxurious

No one said blogging does not come with any drawbacks. When working online, everyday, it is impossible not to interfere with the lack of inspiration. But there is no need to worry – instead, let me tell you what I did to my room and how my words started to flow – and how much I managed to do in just a week. Still, most importantly is how I managed to do so – in short, what I have changed. I bought myself a big cozy pillow which I brought up to the big window sill where up until today I do all of my work. It looks extremely sophisticated, luxurious, elegant yet totally comfy! Take my word; you will never come across another lack of inspiration!

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How Reading Can Make You Rich

The Traditional desk

If any of the places above do not feel as the right one for you, the traditional desk can always be used. Use colors, shapes, shades, paints on your walls for making your brain colorful. This is how it works, since a single and lonely desk will not feel as inspiring as it should. Print some photos with your family or friends to add to there, any butterflies that might run into your mind or even better – the car you are craving for and work so much to get!


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