Last Updated on Feb 28, 2020 by James W

make money with ecommerce website

There are a ton of different ways to make money online but the end goal for all businesses is to have money passing through, which is usually seen when people are buying products and services. With this concept in mind we are going to talk about three ways you can start making money with an ecommerce site of your own.

I used to run an ecommerce jewelry site a few years back and it was a pretty cool experience. Not only did it do well and make some money, but I also learned a lot from the experience as well, such as setting up an online store a merchant account and selling through dropshipping services.

When it comes to starting an ecommerce site you have a few options, which we will lay out below.

  • Sell your own products
  • Dropshipping
  • Affiliate based store

Setting up your own store is actually quite easy and the process is much improve over the past several years. Companies like Shopify make it extremely easy for you to setup a store and add products to your site, all without the need to mess with nasty coding and programming. Another option for you is to sign up for your own web hosting, setup a wordpress site and install a free or premium wordpress plugin. Companies like OptimalHosting offer many ecommerce solutions such as ZenCart and OSCommerce built right into every other package. There are plenty of options for you to choose from and customize how your ecommerce site works.

Now that you have an idea of where we are going, lets dig deeper into how you can make money with each method.

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Selling Your Own Products

When you think of starting an ecommerce site you will usually think that you will need to have a product of your own. This is usually how an ecommerce site starts out and does best, but it’s also not the only option. For anyone that does have a product of their own, creating your own store where people can buy products online is an excellent idea.

Drop Shipping

If you don’t have your own products and don’t want to hold any inventory then drop shipping might be your best option. The concept is simple… you create a site, take orders and send the customer information over to the main distributor, who would then ship out the product to your customer. As the merchant you would pay a low wholesale price and the difference would be your profit.

Affiliate Based Store

Lastly, if you don’t have your own product and don’t want to deal with customers and transactions you can always create an online store of your own and have everything done through affiliate links. A good example of this would be if you were to create an online store around electronics, then have all of the links go over to when someone wants to place an order. As long as the traffic is going through your affiliate link, you would be able to earn a commission on all referred sales.

Now that you have a better idea on how you can make money with an ecommece site of your own, why not map out a business plan and see if it’s something you can make money with?

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Author Bio:

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with over 15 years of experience. You can view my personal blog at along with and

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Founder and chief editor of Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Tech and SEO geek. Started this blog in 2011 to help others learn how to work from home, make money online or anything related to business and finances. You can contact me at