Last Updated on Feb 18, 2020 by James W
How to work on the Internet is commonly asked question, and I’m going to explain you how you can work on the Internet from scratch and with zero investment.
Of course if you have some startup capital that’s even better but not necessary. Work on the Internet is not easy as everybody thinks, it’s also hard and time consuming like your regular offline work.
To have a work on a Internet , you have to have some special skills, every job request a dedication and certain amount of skills, then you will succeed because skills make the products, and products sells.
But don’t worry, today’s economy is weak and that’s why Internet becomes stronger, many employers look for work force online, even if sometimes it’s not big bucks it’s enough to cover your monthly bills for gas and food or something else.
Most popular way of work on the Internet is virtual assistant or administrator, what you do is that you manage calls or write blog posts for successful blogs and you watch on site or blog work flow and making sure that customers are happy and that all their questions are answered, because they are the ones that bring the cash, but enough about this, lets talk about places and where you can actually start working online ok.
Work from Internet is hard, I will not lie to you that is’t not, you need to have a lot of mental power and patience to succeed, because its world what we talk about here, and world can be really fast and mean place and the Internet is not exception. Sometimes days will pass and you will not have any work to do, believe me I passed through this, because the ones that need job to be done are looking on places that are safe and have a long history on the Internet.
That’s why I want to tell you about this places, so you can go there and be in touch with the actual work on the Internet. I didn’t want scare you and I’m sorry if i did, but there’s also positive things about working on Internet. You have flexible working hours, you can work from any place you want with just a laptop or pc or your smartphone and Internet connection and above all, even if sometimes there is no any work to do for days, when opportunity appears you can make it up and earn some serious cash and enjoy the rest of the week or month, depending on the work and payment.
Best places to find work on the Internet.
Probably many of you have heard of freelancing and freelance websites, if you did, I will show some of the best sites to work online from, and if you haven’t heard about freelancing I will tell you that on these sites you can work any job you want as long as you know how to do it, and you can be payed on hourly rate or monthly, it all depends of site’s policy.
Elance – Elance is the biggest and most popular way of finding job and workers, and you can make big bucks here, I did.
oDesk – this site is great for making a lots of cash, and the have this system where employee can see what are you doing for on the job he required, It knows to be annoying sometimes when someone is looking over your screen but its wort it.
Freelancer – on this site you can find a variety of jobs, and there is also a marketplace where you can sell your digital products, jobs are smaller then on elance or odesk, but you can make money on it.
You need to be good and different, because the competition is really hard on these types of sites, but ones you get some work to do and establish your self as an great freelancer everything will go much smoothly.
The other way of working from home on the Internet is to have your own blog or a website where you offer your consultation for the field where you are the expert, and build community of consumers around you, that way you will build constant income for yourself.
One example is SEO, there’s so many people on the Internet today who are offering their consultation services that can help you to rank higher on google or to point you to right direction on what to do and what google looks from your website today.
Social media is one example too, If you know how to connect company with consumers and build social community around it so you can make a profit out of it then that’s also one way of work on the Internet, some people that I know are making a tons of money just by doing maintenance on some company’s twitter or facebook profile and having relation with existing and future customers, because big boys don’t have time to play on twitter or facebook to attract more customers, they look or someone looks for them on freelance sites that I showed you and pay people to do that for them.
I hope that you see now how you can find many ways to work on the Internet, go ahead try it and I wish you good earnings.